1992.第3卷第1期(Vol. 3 No. 1).pp. 928
Primary School Teacher Self Concept: Its Relationship with Teacher Behaviors and Students’ Educational Outcomes
Chui-Chun CHAN, Kai-Yeen CHAN, Wing-Ming CHEUNG, Ming-Yan NGAN, & Veng-Meng YEUNG(陳翠珍、陳繼賢、張永明、顏明仁、楊永明 )
This study aims to explore the possible relationships of teachers' self concepts to teachers' use of powers, leadership and their students' educational outcomes in terms of self concept, attitudes to peers, teacher, school and motivation to learn. Teacher self concept, conceptualized in this study, is of a multidimensional construct comprises Social Self, Personal Self, Pedagogical Self and Administrative Self. The sample of this study was 132 class teachers and their 4,535 Primary five and six students from 18 primary schools in the same district of a religious sponsoring body. Findings of the study indicated that teachers' Social Self, Pedagogical Self and Personal Self are relative important factors that predict teachers' use of Consideration Leadership and use of Reference Power and Reward Power, which in turn predict students' five educational outcomes. The results of investigating the relationship between teachers' self concept and students' educational outcomes were also in line with this pattern.