1989.第4卷(Vol. 4).pp. 1820
The Role of Educational Research in Education Policy-making
李越挺(Yuet-Ting LI)
Broadly speaking, educational research can be categorized into pure research and applied research. In recent years, applied research on educational policy has attracted much attention from educational researchers and the main emphasis is on educational evaluation. Educational evaluations undertaken by the Education Department conform with Palumbo's two complementary cycles, information and policy; the former consisting of agenda setting, problem definition, policy design, policy legitimation, program implementation, policy or program impact, and termination; and the latter of needs assessment, evaluability assessment, decision analysis, opinion polls, formative evaluation, summative evaluation, and political feasibility analysis. Examples of such researches conducted by the Department include: the study on the pilot extensive English reading scheme, formative evaluation on the Putonghua pilot scheme leading to the inclusion of Putonghua as a subject in the primary and junior secondary curricula, evaluation of the activity-approach at the upper primary level, the survey on the use of the five additional teaching posts provided for each standard-size secondary school, and the various language research projects which have played a significant role in the formulation of the policy of promoting the wider use of Chinese as medium of instruction in secondary schools. The undertaking of such policy-related studies is in line with the advice of the Education Commission, which has the initiation of educational research as one of its terms of reference. The importance of improving communication between researchers and policy-makers is noted and being aware of the need to further enhance its research efforts, the Education Department has sought and obtained substantial outside specialist assistance.