
Weighting the Dimensions of Student Ratings of Teaching Effectiveness

1997.第12卷第2期(Vol. 12 No. 2).pp. 205–213

Weighting the Dimensions of Student Ratings of Teaching Effectiveness

Derek CHEUNG(張善培)


An important unresolved issue in student evaluation research is how different rating dimensions should be weighted for summative evaluation. This study demonstrated the use of hierarchical confirmatory factor analysis to determine the weights. A model for evaluating the teaching effectiveness of a B.Ed. programme delivered by distance education was hypothesized, which consisted of four first-order factors and one second-order factor. The four first-order factors represented four separate dimensions of the construct Teaching Effectiveness: Student Development; Assessment; Learning Materials; and Face-to-face Component. The second-order factor subsumed all the four dimensions and was treated as a general factor of effective teaching. End-of-semester student ratings were collected by a multifactor rating form. Hierarchical confirmatory factor analysis of the student ratings provided clear support for the a priori model. Ways to compute the weights for the four dimensions based on second-order factor loadings were demonstrated.

