
Construct Validation of Head and Heart Qualities in Business Education: An Empirical Investigation in Hong Kong

1997.第12卷第2期(Vol. 12 No. 2).pp. 199–204

Construct Validation of Head and Heart Qualities in Business Education: An Empirical Investigation in Hong Kong

Chi-Sum WONG & Ping-Man WONG(黃熾森、黃炳文)


In investigating the managers' necessary qualities in making business decisions, Maccoby (1976) found out that there was a disparity in the perceived importance between "qualities of head" and "qualities of heart". "Qualities of head" were perceived as much more important and they led to a greater amount of rewards from business organizations. These qualities are akin to "thinking" (e.g., ability to take the initiative and pride in performance) while "qualities of heart" are aligned with "feeling" (e.g.. sense of humor and generosity). However, there is little systematic research investigating the construct validity of this classification of business qualities. This study refines the measures and cross-validates the constructs by multiple samples and external criteria. The results indicate that the two constructs are distinct and have expected relationships with external criteria. Hong Kong business students also perceive the head qualities as more important. Implications for future research are discussed.


Maccoby(1976)研究管理人員作商業決策的素質時,指出心和腦的素質在重要性上的偏頗,一般來說腦的素質被認為遠較心的素質重要。所謂腦的素質是指理智方面的能力(例如主動性及以成就為榮的傾向),而心的素質是指感性方面的能力(例如幽默感及慷慨)。但是,過去關於這兩個構念的研究,甚少檢訂其構念效度(construct validity)。本研究以多樣本方法在香港進行這方面的檢訂,我們首先以第一個樣本修正過往的測量項目,然後以另一樣本作確認因素分析及與其他變項關係之檢訂。結果印證了心和腦的素質是兩個相關而獨立的構念,而香港的管理學生同樣著重腦的素質而輕視心的素質。最後,我們討論了這些發現對未來研究的啟示。