
Validation of the Trichotomous Framework of Achievement Goals for Omani Students

2010.第25卷第2期(Vol. 25 No. 2).pp. 263–285

Validation of the Trichotomous Framework of Achievement Goals for Omani Students



While the trichotomous framework of achievement goal theory has received considerable discussion in Asian and North American cultures, it is not clear whether this framework can also be applied in Arabic cultures. The purpose of this study was to test the validity of the trichotomous framework of achievement goals as measured by Midgley et al.’s (2000) scales on Omani students. Ninth grade students (N = 1,636) enrolled in science classes at Muscat public schools in Oman completed the scales. The sample was randomly divided into two subsamples. The first sample (n = 786) was used for exploratory factor analysis whereas the second sample (n = 850) was used for confirmatory factor analysis. Results of both analyses supported the three-factor structure of the trichotomous frameworkof achievement goal theory: (a) mastery, (b) performance-approach, and (c) performance-avoidance goals; all correlated positively with each other (rs ranged from .32 to .45). Construct validity of the scales was supported by their relationships with academic self-efficacy in ways that are predicted by theory and consistent with previous research. Reliability analyses showed that the scales’ scores had relatively moderate levels of internal consistency. Implications of the findings for future research and practice are discussed.

Keywords: achievement goal; academic motivation; validation

