1992.第7卷(Vol. 7).pp. 6067
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Tertiary Teaching: A Hong Kong Perspective
An investigation is reported which tests the applicability of two American instruments designed to assess tertiary student's evaluations of teaching effectiveness with 87 Hong Kong graduate students. Each student was asked to complete an evaluation questionnaire for both a 'good' lecturer and a 'poor' lecturer so much of the analysis actually was based on the analysis of 174 rating forms. The scales were found to have generally high internal consistency reliability coefficients, most of the items were seen to be appropriate and all but one item was considered of importance by at least some of the students. In addition, all but the Work/Difficulty items clearly differentiated between 'good' and 'poor' lecturers. Further analysis supported the convergent and discriminant validity of the scales hypothesized to measure similar or dissimilar components of effective teaching. Factors analysis showed both a strong main factor and three minor factors providing some further support for a multidimensional model of teaching effectiveness.