Educational Research Journal

A Preliminary Study of School Management Initiative: Responses to Induction and Implementation of Management Reforms

1992.第7卷(Vol. 7).pp. 21–32

A Preliminary Study of School Management Initiative: Responses to Induction and Implementation of Management Reforms

Yin-Cheong CHENG(鄭燕祥)


The new policy "School Management Initiative" (SMI) issued by the Education and Manpower Branch and the Education Department (1991, April) is inducing a great reform of management in Hong Kong aided schools. It aims to set a framework for enhancing quality of education in schools. The effectiveness and implementation of this policy will greatly influence school management in 1990s. Therefore, it has become a great concern not only for policy-makers, school administrators, and teachers but also for all those interested in education. This study intends to investigate how teachers, principals, and supervisors, as key actors in schools, respond to the management reform. The findings of the study may make a contribution to the ongoing policy discussion among the public as well as the improvement and adaptation of policy implementation.

This is a questionnaire survey involving 241 schools, 127 supervisors, 204 principals, and 1142 teachers.

