1988.第16卷第2期(Vol. 16 No. 2).pp. 127134
Attribution of Examination Result of Hong Kong Primary School Students
侯傑泰(Kit-Tai HAU)
The developmental changes in primary school students' perceived academic attainment, attributions, and expectancy were explored. Twelve classes of primary 2 to 6 students completed a self-devised attribution questionnaire after the distribution of the mid-term results. Analyses showed that younger students had higher perceived examination attainment. Furthermore, students with more controllable attributions had higher expectancy, and perceived themselves to have better performance in other school activities. A canonical correlation analysis produced two pairs of significance canonical variates. In the first pair, younger students and those with high perceived attainment were found to be alike that they both made more controllable attributions, had higher expectancy, and perceived better performance in other school activities. The second canonical pair revealed that low achievers and younger students made more external attributions. A commonality analysis also showed that examination result had the largest unique component explaining the variance of the criteria.