1991.第6卷(Vol. 6).pp. 1622
何偉傑、蕭炳基(Wai-Kit HO & Ping-Kee SIU)
詞匯教學是閱讀教學的主要組成部份,也是閱讀與寫作的一項基本訓練。本文是根據實地觀課和教學錄像所得的資料,分析本港小學的中文詞匯教學情況,其中包括教學時間、教學過程和教學方法等。文章探討了教師對關鍵字聯想法(Keyword Method)、脈胳提示法(Context Clues Method)、定義分析法(Defination Method)和直接解釋法(Explanation Method)四種詞義教學技巧的運用情形。結果發現教師所採用的詞匯教學法有非常明顯的偏向。教師普遍採用的直接解釋法,未能有效地幫助學生辨析和記取詞義,是令到詞匯學習未如理想的其中一個原因。
Vocabulary acquisition is a block-building process and a basic training component to develop both reading and writing abilities. This study is based on data obtained from classroom observation and video-taping of the processes of vocabulary instruction in primary schools. The obtained data were analyzed in terms of teaching models, instructional processes, and time allocation to different activities. The discussion focused on the strategies and operations of the four vocabulary teaching methods: Keyword method, context-clue method, definition method, and explanation method. The results indicated that teachers were biased in selecting methods in vocabulary instruction. Explanation method was found to be the one widely used by teachers, hence reducing the effectiveness in stimulating students to associate clues in vocabulary learning. It is reasoned that the lack of flexible approaches in vocabulary teaching is one of the reasons for the ineffective learning.