Educational Research Journal

Socialisation Settings of Hong Kong's Preschool Children

1993.第8卷(Vol. 8).pp. 48–54

Socialisation Settings of Hong Kong’s Preschool Children

Sylvia OPPER


The present study identifies the major socialisation settings, as defined by both a physical environment and a major caregiver, of a sample of 947 4-year-old children. A cluster analysis of the findings resulted in seven distinctive clusters of settings and one residual cluster in the following order of importance: mother alone, grandparents, and both parents in child's own home, teacher or child care worker in preschool, maid in child's own home, grandparents and other relatives in relatives' home, and a variety of caregivers in a variety of settings. In terms of time spent with the sample children, mother at home has a predominant role whereas father plays a negligible part in the socialisation of young children in Hong Kong.

