1998.第13卷第2期(Vol. 13 No. 2).pp. 177195
Implementing New Programs: The Case of Physical Education
Daniel Wan-Ka CHAN(陳運家)& David P. JOHNS
The purpose of this study was to evaluate PE teachers' perceptions on the Hong Kong Certificate of Education in Physical Education (HKCEE PE) program and to suggest why progress in implementing the HKCEE PE program is slow. Survey instruments, related to the HKCEE PE, were mailed to the physical education head teachers of 452 Hong Kong schools and 246 (54.42%) were returned. The results revealed that only 9% of the schools offer the HKCEE PE course in spite of the fact that the course was proposed in 1991. PE teachers' perceptions revealed that they anticipated that they would receive little or no support for the introduction of the program from principals, parents and other subject colleagues in their schools. Students and other PE teachers were considered to be the most important sources of support for such a program. The conclusions were that PE teachers will require a united front and greater awareness of public policy and opinion in order to convince parents, principals and other subject teachers of the value of a new PE program for the future.
Keywords: physical education examination; physical education curriculum