Educational Research Journal

Quality Teaching and Learning: A Response to Social, Political and Technological Change in an Australian Context

2000.第15卷第1期(Vol. 15 No. 1).pp. 113–141

Quality Teaching and Learning: A Response to Social, Political and Technological Change in an Australian Context



The paper firstly outlines developments in higher education in Australia since the 1960s. In doing so it identifies and describes some of the significant shifts evident in Australian higher education today, both in terms of ideological and functional changes. In particular, the notion of quality is being questioned and reconstructed to fit the market economy models of quality teaching and learning. The authors then reflect on these changes and propose three criteria for quality teaching and learning for the current times. Having provided a framework for changes in higher education, the paper adopts a case study approach to closely examine the Faculty of Education at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) to see how it addresses the three identified criteria for quality teaching and learning. The use of interventions such as the setting up of teaching and learning committees, monitoring through the use of instruments such as course evaluation questionnaires, and setting performance indicators, are discussed. Whilst the focus of the paper is on changes evidenced in Australian higher education it is not too different to what higher education is experiencing in other countries. The "market driven" model of education and, in particular, of education quality, is part of the global emphasis on economic rationalisation, thus the paper has relevance beyond the Australian context.

Keywords: higher education; teaching and learning; quality

