Education Journal


2019.第47卷第1期(Vol. 47 No. 1).pp. 49–69


Teachers’ Professional Development in the Context of Curriculum Reforms in Taiwan: Retrospect and Prospect

洪詠善(Yung-Shan HUNG)






Taiwan has revised national curriculum guidelines for elementary schools and secondary schools several times since 1949. It will implement the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education from 2019. In the process of curriculum reform, the role of teachers and the policy regarding their professional development would undergo deconstruction and reconstruction. This article aims to analyze the context and discourse of the curriculum reform, and to explore the policies and discourse of teachers’ professional development in Taiwan by analyzing related documents and literature. Secondly, with the aid of the framework of dynamics of teacher knowledge, the article looks ahead to the curriculum practice and teachers’ professional development.

Results indicate reciprocal influences between the curriculum reform and teachers’ professional development. The role of teachers changed from curriculum delivery to diverse professional roles, and the policy of their professional development from strong regulation to collaborative development. The main discourses of the 2019 Curriculum Guidelines include: learner-centered, competency-driven, coherent and integrated, school-based, diversified and adaptive, and cooperation for common good. Referring to the dynamic system of teachers’ professional knowledge, the programs of curriculum practice and teachers’ professional development should promote the connection of dynamic systems through the design and intermediary of “regulatory systems.” Besides, to implement the competency-driven curriculum practice, spontaneous and collaborative learning networks should be developed. Curriculum practice is also the professional development of teachers. Through establishing collaborative supporting systems for scaffolding curriculum practice, the capacity of teachers will have sustainable promotion.

Keywords: curriculum reform; curriculum policy; teacher professional development; curriculum guidelines; Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education