1990.第18卷第1期(Vol. 18 No. 1).pp. 3545
China's Foreign Study Policy during the Period of Socialist Modernization and Construction (19781989)
陳啟明(Kai-Ming CHAN)
From 1978 to 1989, the Chinese Government Policy towards Overseas Study had undergone revolutionary changes . It was a prosperous period for overseas study. The Government's aim in sending scholars and students abroad was that they would learn modern technology from western countries and be able to serve the country in the "Socialist modernization and construction programs". It was a breakthrough that most of the scholars and students went to western capitalist countries. That permission was given to those students studying at their own expense. And that, in addition, the majority of them were scholars. Since Chinese Government had not established a long-term policy for foreign study, the policy has been changed from time to time. Since 1980, owing to deteriorating financial conditions, the number of scholars sent abroad has been restricted. Lately, due to structural reform, authority for managing overseas study has been decentralized to district and unit level. As a result, overseas study has been activated again. Moreover, diplomatic relations between China and foreign countries had affected the distribution of the overseas students.