Asian Journal of Counselling

Counselling in Industry: An Investigation of Occupational Social Work Practice in Hong Kong

1993.第2卷第2期(Vol. 2 No. 2).pp. 39–53


Counselling in Industry: An Investigation of Occupational Social Work Practice in Hong Kong


Kwok-Keung CHOW


During the past decade there has been an increasing acceptance in industry of the importance of providing counselling service within the realm of occupational social work for employees with personal problems in Hong Kong. This paper, by basing on a culminated review of some local cases in enterprises, acknowledges that personal problems of employees can adversely affect job performance and organizational effectiveness. If there is employee counselling available in the early stage, it can prevent these problems from worsening. In doing so, the management can lay the foundation on which humanistic high- productivity policies can be built. It parallels the devotion of management to issues concerned with productivity and industrial relations. The purpose of this paper is set to summarize what is known about the extent to which employee counselling exists within selected enterprises and the existence of various models. It also offers some conclusions about the current state of employee counselling and discuss its future development in Hong Kong.

