Education Journal
1997.第25卷第2期(Vol. 25 No. 2).pp. 99116
The Challenges and Choices of Education in the Future: The Role of SchoolUniversity Partnerships
李子建(John Chi-Kin LEE)
本文首先探討未來教育的特色和香港教育須作出相應的改變,然後討論「學校-大學夥伴計劃」 的理念在改善學校教育質素所扮演的角 色,以及 介紹香港中文大學教育學院在「學校-大學夥伴計劃」 的初步經驗。
This paper first explores the characteristics of education in the future and corresponding changes needed to be made for education in Hang Kong. Then the concept of SchoolUniversity Partnership and its role in improving educational quality in schools are discussed. The initial experience of SchoolUniversity Partnership projects organized by the Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong is introduced.