2018.第46卷第1期(Vol. 46 No. 1).pp. 93–115
“English-only or Nothing”: Practitioners’ Perspective on the Policy and Implementation of CLIL in Higher Education
Fan-Wei KUNG(孔繁偉)
With the inception of internationalism, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has been adopted in many classroom settings in higher education to enhance students’ global competitiveness after graduation. However, research on CLIL has been primarily focused on learners, leaving teachers’ reflection unexplored in the Asia-Pacific region. This inquiry thus attempts to bridge this gap by exploring practitioners’ experience of teaching CLIL that underpins their critical praxis in Taiwan where CLIL has been adopted and promoted by the government in higher education. Qualitative data were collected and analyzed based on nine practitioners of such various disciplines as humanities, social sciences, engineering and commerce from nine different universities in northern, central and southern Taiwan where CLIL has prevailed. Through a phenomenology framework, several recurrent themes emerge from the data such as the unequivocal English elitism, limited creativity and spontaneity, lacking teacher preparation, and biased recruitment. The results also suggest that although these practitioners are optimistic about the implementation of CLIL as revealed in the extant literature, the practice of CLIL promoted by the government has resulted in several such potential issues as inequality and stress for them. Pedagogical implications are further discussed.
Keywords: Content and Language Integrated Learning; higher education; language policy
隨着全球國際化的趨勢,學科內容與外語學習相結合(Content and Language Integrated Learning, CLIL)的課程在高等教育中已逐漸受到重視,以期能增進學生畢業後的競爭力。然而,CLIL的研究至今仍以學生的學習效果為主,有關亞太地區教師教學的研究鮮為人知。因此,本研究探討台灣大專院校教師對於CLIL課程的教學方法和經驗。根據台灣教育部,CLIL課程已逐漸成為大專院校的授課趨勢。本質性研究利用現象歸納法(phenomenology)探討台灣北部、中部、南部大學裏,人文、社會科學、理工和商管領域的教師對於CLIL課程政策和實行的觀點。研究結果顯示出許多問題,包括不對等的語言教學政策、缺乏創造力與空間的課程、不完備的教師培育,以及不公平的教師招募要求。即使教師對CLIL課程保持樂觀態度,他們同時亦認為此政策與實行使他們感受到不公平和雙倍的壓力。本研究最後探討當中的教育意涵。