Educational Research Journal


2005.第20卷第2期(Vol. 20 No. 2).pp. 245–263


Learning to be an Informed Citizen: An Exploratory Study of Comparing Impacts of Traditional Media and the Internet on Student's Public Affairs Knowledge

馮繼峰(Timothy K. F. FUNG)


本研究的目標是比較傳統新聞媒介、互聯網新聞及學生背景因素對學生公共事務知識的影響。本研究向兩所中學的中六、中七學生派發問卷,共收集有效問卷285份。研究結果顯示,學生學業成績是有力的變項,而且影響學生在接觸電視新聞、互聯網新聞時對公共事務知識的解釋能力。研究亦發現電視新聞和互聯網新聞是預測公共事務知識顯著的變項,但是互聯網新聞對公共事務知識帶來負面影響,可能是基於個人議題(personal agenda)與公眾議題(public agenda)的差異。



The purposes of this study are: (1) to compare impacts of traditional media and the Internet on students' public affairs knowledge; (2) to explore how parents' socio-economic status, students' academic results and public affairs interest influence the impacts of traditional media and the Internet on public affairs knowledge. The questionnaires were distributed to Form 6 and 7 students in two secondary schools. A total of 285 questionnaires were returned. The results of the study found that student's academic achievement was the most powerful predictor of public affairs knowledge and the impacts of TV news and Internet news exposure on public affairs knowledge were influenced by it. The findings also showed that TV news was the most significant predictor among the three media. Though it had significant impact on student's public affairs knowledge, the Internet news was found to have negative impact on their public affairs knowledge level. This may due to the differences between personal agenda and public agenda. The policy implications of the results were also discussed.