Educational Research Journal

Preference of Normal Stream Students for Peer Mediators: A Social Identity Theory Perspective

2005.第20卷第2期(Vol. 20 No. 2).pp. 187–205

Preference of Normal Stream Students for Peer Mediators: A Social Identity Theory Perspective

Vivien S. HUAN(范瑞玲)


Peer mediation is a school-based intervention program that aims to teach adolescents to manage their conflicts and resolve their differences in a positive and constructive way. In this paper it was demonstrated how a theoretical framework was used in explaining the process of peer mediation using tenets from the Social Identity Theory. Specifically, it examines the role of the mediator in a peer mediation setting, looking at the type of mediator students from the Normal Stream (less academically inclined classes) prefer, during a peer mediation session. Three vignettes were used in this study and students were randomly assigned the vignette type (see Appendix). From the participants' responses to the questions at the end of the vignette, the participants' level of identification for the mediator and their perceived outcome of the mediation session were obtained. Results revealed that the less academically inclined students had a significantly stronger preference for the prefect mediator than for the mediator who is an ex-gangster. No gender effects were found. Implications of the findings for schools are discussed.

Keywords: peer mediation; social identity theory; academically weaker students

