Educational Research Journal

What Hong Kong People Think About Technology

2005.第20卷第2期(Vol. 20 No. 2).pp. 165–186

What Hong Kong People Think About Technology

Kenneth Scott VOLK


Technology Education is one of the eight Key Learning Areas for all Hong Kong students to study. In defining this necessary curriculum component, Hong Kong's Curriculum Development Council stressed that "technology" is more than computers and information technology. Despite this rhetoric, the reality is that many secondary schools do not offer subjects such as Design & Technology that are able to go beyond the narrow focus of technology as being computers. Interpretations and decisions made by schools about technology may in fact, parallel the public's opinion, suggesting a mismatch with desired goals. To explore this potential discrepancy, a poll of over 750 adults was conducted to determine what they think about technology and how it should be included in schools. The results indicated very strong support for the government's wide definition of technology education and the need for it to be included in schools. However, support was not as enthusiastic about technology education being included as a required separate subject. Comparisons made with the results of a previous U.S. study showed significant differences for many of the items.

Keywords: technology education; attitudes; Hong Kong

