2007.第16卷第1期(Vol. 16 No. 1).pp. 115131
Hong Kong Primary Mathematics Curriculum Development in the Past Five Decades and Its Implications for Future Mathematics Curriculum Development
鄧國俊、黃毅英、霍秉坤、顏明仁、黃家樂(Kwok-Chun TANG, Ngai-Ying WONG, Ping-Kwan FOK, Ming-Yan NGAN, & Ka-Lok WONG)
In the long journey of primary mathematics curriculum development in Hong Kong, modernization, localization, popularization, normalization and professionalization have been the key concerns in the past five decades. Even though we cannot describe in detail the research findings of our study on post-War primary mathematics curriculum development of the last few years, we have tried to examine some important curriculum implementation principles. Curriculum reform is a long-term process and temporal and contextual factors should be considered for modernization and localization. Reforms should also carefully match the pace for normalization and popularization and reform agents should always aim to interact positively and develop professionally.