2009.第18卷第2期(Vol. 18 No. 2).pp. 137156
Why and How the Subject of Mathematics Is So Difficult for Some Children: Study Review and Experience Sharing on Mathematics Disorder
Becky Mee-Yin CHAN(陳美賢)
The present paper gives an account of the different terminologies and definitions of mathematics disorder. In order to answer the question on why and how mathematics is so difficult for some children, related studies are reviewed and the author’s clinical experience in working with children having mathematics disorder is shared. The review mainly includes studies on how four domain-specific abilities (i.e., arithmetic procedural skills, number-fact retrieval, place-value concept, and number sense) and two domain-general processing abilities (i.e., working memory and processing speed) may account for children’s mathematics learning disabilities. In experience sharing, children’s errors made in mathematic tests are analyzed to illustrate their difficulties. Teachers are recommended to pay attention to children’s error patterns in low mathematic achievement so as to identify their learning disabilities in mathematics as early as possible.
Keywords: mathematics disorder; domain-specific abilities; domain-general abilities