Education Journal


2020.第48卷第2期(Vol. 48 No. 2).pp. 135–155



A Longitudinal Study on Family and School Attachment Factors on Trajectories of Adolescent Depressive Symptom

劉宗幸、江守峻(Tsung-Hsing LIU & Shou-Chun CHIANG)


本研究旨在探討青少年國三至高二憂鬱症狀的長期發展變化,並釐清不同依附關係(父母依附、同儕依附、學校依附)對於青少年憂鬱症狀發展的影響。研究對象為台灣青少年成長歷程研究(Taiwan Youth Project, TYP)中2002年國中三年級青少年,並持續追縱之後兩年的憂鬱症狀發展情形。資料分析以潛在成長曲線模式為主。




This study aimed to: (a) establish model of the trajectory of adolescents’ depressive symptoms over time with the latent growth curve model; (b) identify the impact of different types of attachment relationships on changes of depressive symptoms. Research data were retrieved from the Taiwan Youth Project (TYP). The participants were 2,690 9th, 10th and 11th grade students in three waves (2002, 2003, and 2004).

Results indicated that: (a) there were individual differences in the initial status and trajectory of adolescents’ depressive symptoms; (b) the changing rate of trajectory of depressive symptoms were slower in adolescents of more severe depressive symptoms at 9th grade compared to those of less severe symptoms at 9th grade; (c) there was an elevation of depressive symptoms in adolescents from 10th grade to 11th grade; (d) adolescents’ attachment with peers and school were more influential than attachment with parents in regard to the initial status and changing trajectory of their depressive symptoms; (e) father attachment only impacted the initial status of adolescents’ depressive symptoms while mother attachment showed no significant impact on both the initial status and changing trajectory of adolescents’ depressive symptoms. Suggestions for education and future research were provided.

Keywords: adolescent; attachment relationship; latent growth curve model; depression