1996.第4卷第1及2期(Vol. 4 Nos. 1 & 2).pp. 7586
Counselling in Cases of Sexual Harassment: Relevant Issues and Clinical Strategies
Ursula M. WILDER
There is a growing awareness worldwide of the negative effect that sexual harassment has on individual and communal life, and also a growing awareness that institutions such as schools and workplace have a responsibility to actively combat harassment as it manifests within their organizations. By virtue of their roles in such institutions, counsellors are frequently the individuals who first become aware of and are made responsible for addressing the effects of sexual harassment on individuals and groups. The focus of this paper is to highlight common issues that arise in counselling in cases of sexual harassment and to offer some strategies to counsellors. The paper provides a working definition of what constitutes sexual harassment. It describes a prototypical response frequently observed in the targets and perpetrators of harassment. The paper offers strategies for counselling targets of sexual harassment. Finally, some cultural considerations to which counsellors should be sensitive are described.
關於性騷擾的普世醒覺有兩方面。一為此等侵犯對個人及群禮之負面影響。二為社會團體(如學校及工作機構)積極對付當中性侵犯之責任感。基於輔導員在社會機構的角色,他們往往會首先察覺及負責處理性騷擾所帶來的影響。 本文集中探討輔導性騷擾個案所引起常見的論題,並提供一些處理策略。首先建立一個性騷擾的實用定義。其次描述性騷擾主體和客體之間經常觀 察到的情緒反應。再者,本文介紹如何輔導性騷擾之受害者。最後文中指出一些輔導員應注意的文化因素。