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identifyWeiboPostRelatedWithPerson(weibo_id, pid)
Judge whether a weibo post is related to a certain person in the database or not.
Parameters | Necessity | Type | Description |
weibo_id | required | string | the unique id for each weibo post |
pid | required | int | the serial number of a certain person in the database |
Parameters | Type | Description |
related | bool | True if the post is related to the person, false otherwise |
See Also
- Find out which filter keywords that related to the person appeared in the post.
- Use the product of these keywords' weight as the weight of this post.
- Set the threshold as the weight product of the keywords that apeared in the stock name of the related company.
- If the weight of the post is larger than the threshold, then we take it as a related one. Otherwise, it will be labbeled as an unrelated one