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groupnews:data_mining_technical_committee_ieee_computational_intelligence_society: 838 Hits
eir contributions to this area. More information can be found at [[]]. ~~DISCU
teaching:csci2100:2015: 27 Hits
or one day, i.e., to 23:59:59 April 18, 2016. You can try submissions tomorrow when the server is up, h... lems on the forum. After submitting the code, you can check your scores at the [[http://course.cse.cuhk... 6**</hi>. Some students asked us which head files can be used in the programming midterm. You can all s... </hi>. Last year's programming midterm exam paper can be found {{:teaching:csci2100:programming_midterm
teaching:csci2100:2014: 17 Hits
y, April 17, 2015. 2) The tutorial on April 15 is canceled. The content of tutorial of next Monday will... ou print it and bring it to the midterm exam. You can find the original files [[http://users.cis.fiu.ed... ve your homework during the tutorial session. You can fetch your homework at Rm 1024 SHB if you do not... If you find the sum of score is miscalculated or cannot find your assignment, please contact TA as soo
teaching:csci2100:2016: 17 Hits
e, please contact TA as soon as possible. And you can come to SHB1024 to take back your WA1-WA5. - <... vely. - <hi yellow>**11 April 2017**</hi>. You can come to SHB 1024 to check your midterm examinatio... . PA3 was released. There are three problems. You can choose any two of them. Since we will take the su... , [[|link 3]] - <hi yellow>**08 F
people:xiaotian_yu: 8 Hits
omepage of Xiaotian YU (余晓填) at CUHK ====== Ph.D. Candidate (Aug. 2014 ~ )\\ ===== Biography ===== *... calculating eigenvectors and reducing dimension, can be used in a bunch of bunch of work associated wi... approximate sampling for projection dpps \\ (DPP can be used to improve the kernel learning - Fast DPP... roximation \\ (new things about LU decomposition, can be used for fast approximating SVD and many other
signup:20141213-thanksgivingfellowship: 8 Hits
s! \\ <doodle 20141213 thanksgivingfellowship> ^ Can't Come ^ Coming ^ Lunch ^ Dinner ^ Appet
signup:20140927-farewell4mabel: 3 Hits
Thanks! \\ <doodle 20140927 Mabel's Farewell> ^ Can't Come ^ Coming ^ Appetizer ^ Drinks ^
tennis: 1 Hits
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