====== GEN1113 New Asia STOT (2 units) 學生為本教學與研討 ======
=== Breaking News ===
* **Dec. 14, 2008**--Our first class will be on Jan. 16, 2009 from 11:30 am to 1:15 pm, CKB UG05. We could probably arrange another time and venue according to the desire of the class in our first meeting.
===== Term 2, 2008 =====
| ^ Meeting Time I ^
^ Time | F4-5, 11:30 am - 1:15 pm |
^ Venue | CKB UG05 (Chen Kou Bun Bldg 陳國本樓) |
====== Luncheon on April 3, 2009 ======
====== Course Description ======
The overall objective of this course is to help students acquire a basic understanding of university education and a balanced university life, including the value and purposes of university education and the role of university students in the society. This course adopts a small group and a less structured teaching format. Throughout the course, students are expected to explore topics related to university education (e.g., role of university students) and the society (e.g., current social issues), with the aims of promoting the problem-solving, seminar presentation and report writing skills of the students. Students are expected to have active participation and contribution in the course under the guidance of the instructor.
===== Learning Objectives =====
===== Learning Outcomes =====
- acquire knowledge and understanding of university education;
- understand the role of university students in the society;
- understand the adjustment of students to university life;
- acquire knowledge and understanding of New Asia College;
- be able to demonstrate the skills on seminar presentation and report writing;
- be able to communicate with others effectively and build up the skills on team work
===== Learning Activities =====
- group discussions
- research on presentation topic
- essay report
- seminar presentations
===== Assessment Method =====
- Attendance is compulsory (5 marks will be deducted for each absence in class)
- STOT/Seminar Presentation/Seminar Essay Report (70%)
- Participation in Discussions and Performance in Class (30%)
The teacher may assess Students' performance on the basis of the students' overall STOT performance, sminar presentation, report and degree of participation in discussions.
====== Personnel ======
| ^ Lecturer ^
^ Name | [[:home|Irwin King]] |
^ Email | king AT cse.cuhk.edu.hk |
^ Office | Rm 908 |
^ Telephone | 2609 8398 |
^ Office Hour(s) | TBA |
Note: This class will be taught in English. Homework assignments and presentations will be conducted in English.
====== Syllabus ======
The pdf files are created in Acrobat 6.0. Please obtain the correct version of the [[http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html#reader | Acrobat Reader]] from Adobe.
^ Week ^ Date ^ Topics ^ Tutorials ^ Homework & Events ^ Resources ^
| 1 | Jan. 16 | Introduction | NA | TBD | |
| 2 | Jan. 23 | Introduction\\ Knowing one another\\ Group discussions | NA | TBD | |
| 3 | Feb. 13 | Group discussions\\ Ethics, norms, beliefs, values, etc. | NA | #1, #2 | |
| 4 | Feb. 20 | Group discussions | NA | #3, #4 | |
| 5 | Mar. 6 | Group discussions | NA | #5, #6 | |
| 6 | Mar. 20 | STOT Presentations | NA | TBD | |
| 7 | Apr. 3 | STOT/Seminar/Lunch\\ Meet at Chung Chi Staff Club, 11:30 am | NA | #7 | |
===== Seminar Presentation Schedule on March 20, 2009 =====
I have decided that the presentation topics should be something that we have discussed in the course so that we can be evaluated fairly. We will do all presentations on March 20, 2009. Each person will have 10 mins, so a group having two people will take approximately 20 minutes and a group with three people will take about 30 minutes.
A major part of your course grade will be on the research work you have done on the presentation topic. You will be evaluated by your presentation and also your report.
Please edit the table below with your names and the slot that your group would like to have.
^ Slot No. ^ Names ^ Topic ^ Notes ^ Audio Presentation ^
| 0 | John Smith\\ Joe Somebody | Ethics in the University | This is an example only. | |
| 1 | Chung Koon Fung\\ Kwan Tin Tin\\ Wong Wing Hang| 時代青年的生活與思想--「頹」的大學生活 | [{{:teaching:gen1113:stot_pro.ppt|ppt}} ] | [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/podcasts/GEN1113/2008/GEN1113-1-時代青年的生活與思想–「頹」的大學生活.m4a|audio]] ] |
| 2 | Lee, Po Yee\\ Tse, Yat Nam | Plagiarism Situation in Colleges| [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/stot/2008/plagiarism/Presentation.ppt|ppt]] and [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/stot/2008/plagiarism/Opening.mpg|Opening]] and [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/stot/2008/plagiarism/Interview.mpg|Interview]] ] | [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/podcasts/GEN1113/2008/GGEN1113-2-Plagiarism Situation in Colleges.m4a|audio]] ] |
| 3 |Fung, Hau Yan\\ Lee, Sin Yu | 大學生的dem beat文化| [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/stot/2008/dem beat/dem beat (2).ppt|ppt]] and [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/stot/2008/dem beat/P1100816.avi|P1100816.avi]] and [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/stot/2008/dem beat/P1110275.avi|P1110275.avi]] ] | [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/podcasts/GEN1113/2008/GEN1113-3-大學生的dem beat文化.m4a|audio]] ] |
| 4 | Lee, Ngai Man\\ Wong, Kin Ming| 時代青年的生活與思想-當代青年的網絡文化 | [ {{:teaching:gen1113:當代青年的網絡文化.ppt.zip|zip}} ] | [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/podcasts/GEN1113/2008/GEN1113-4-時代青年的生活與思想-當代青年的網絡文化.m4a|audio]] ] |
| 5 | Deng, Tiancheng\\ Kuang, Da| 香港與内地、美國大學之對比 | [ {{:teaching:gen1113:大學的對比.ppt|ppt}} ] | [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/podcasts/GEN1113/2008/GGEN1113-5-香港與内地、美國大學之對比.m4a|audio]] ] |
| 6 | Wong Ho Lam| 上大學是高薪厚職的唯一途徑?| [ {{:teaching:gen1113:herman_na_stot_presentation.ppt|ppt}} ] | [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/podcasts/GEN1113/2008/GEN1113-6-上大學是高薪厚職的唯一途徑?.m4a|audio]] ] |
| 7 | Tang Chi Yung| Generation Gap| [ {{:teaching:gen1113:代溝.ppt|ppt}} ] | [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/podcasts/GEN1113/2008/GEN1113-7-Generation Gap.m4a|audio]] ] |
===== Attendance Record =====
^ Name ^ Jan 16 ^ Jan 23 ^ Feb 13 ^ Feb 20 ^ Mar 6 ^ Mar 20 ^ Apr 3 ^
| Tang, Chi Yung | | X | X | X | X | X | |
| Cheung, Hei Man | | | | | | | |
| Tse, Yat Nam | | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| Lee, Po Yee | | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| Wong, Kin Ming | | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| Kuang, Da | | X | X | X | XX | X | X |
| Wong, Ho Lam | | X | X | | XX | X | X |
| Fung, Hau Yan | | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| Lee, Sin Yu | | X | X | X | XX | X | X |
| Kwan, Tin Tin | | X | X | | X | X | X |
| Wong, Wing Hang | | X | X | XX | X | X | X |
| Chung, Koon Fung | | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| Lee, Ngai Man | | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| Deng, Tiancheng | | OK | X | X | X | X | X |
====== Reference Materials ======
- {{:teaching:gen1113:scn_20090202113046_001.pdf|The Idea of a University by Michael Oaskeshott}}
- {{:teaching:gen1113:scn_20090202113238_001.pdf|The Mission of the University: Medieval to Postmodern Transformations by John C. Scott}}
- {{:teaching:gen1113:scn_20090202113342_001.pdf|Do the Right Thing: Ethical Issues in Higher Education by Sue Couch}}
- {{:teaching:gen1113:scn_20090202113412_001.pdf|Qian Bin Si}}
- {{:teaching:gen1113:scn_20090202113513_001.pdf|Sheung Guo Tung}}
- {{:teaching:gen1113:scn_20090202113631_001.pdf|Developing Social and Personal Competence in the First Year of College by Robert D. Reason, Patrick T. Terenzini, and Robert J. Domingo}}
- {{:teaching:gen1113:scn_20090202113732_001.pdf|New Asia 55th Anniversary}}
====== FAQ ======
- **Q: What is departmental guideline for plagiarism?**\\ A: If a student is found plagiarizing, his/her case will be reported to the Department Discipline Committee. If the case is proven after deliberation, the student will automatically fail the course in which he/she committed plagiarism. The definition of plagiarism includes copying of the whole or parts of written assignments, programming exercises, reports, quiz papers, mid-term examinations. The penalty will apply to both the one who copies the work and the one whose work is being copied, unless the latter can prove his/her work has been copied unwittingly. Furthermore, inclusion of others' works or results without citation in assignments and reports is also regarded as plagiarism with similar penalty to the offender. A student caught plagiarizing during tests or examinations will be reported to the Faculty Office and appropriate disciplinary authorities for further action, in addition to failing the course. Please refer to [[http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty/|Honesty in Academic Work: A Guide for Students and Teachers]] for more information.
====== Resources ======