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signup:20130907-caregroup: 126 Hits
= * **Date**: Saturday, September 7, 2013 * **Time**: * 3:40 pm worship * 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm ... available [[|here]]. * At or after 7:00 p... available [[|here]]. * Sundays and Public... available [[|here]]. * **Driviing**
signup:20130609-fellowship: 77 Hits
ip Night ===== * **Date**: Sunday, June 9 * **Time**: 4:00 pm onwards; 5:30-ish for worship; 6:30-is... available [[|here]]. * **Spouses and teenagers w
signup:20130816-afternoontea: 26 Hits
=== * **Date**: Thursday, August 16, 2013 * **Time**: 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm * **Venue**: At the King'
signup:20131117-fellowship: 21 Hits
=== * **Date**: Sunday, November 17, 2013 * **Time**: * 3:00 pm (I should be at home so you are ... available [[|here]]. * **Driviing**
presentations:home: 17 Hits
e Group Meeting ===== * **Day**: Tuesday * **Time**: 9:30 am - 11:00 am * **Venue**: Room 1027, H... == Group Meeting ===== * **Day**: Monday * **Time**: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm * **Venue**: Room 1021, HS... = Group Meeting ===== * **Day**: Tuesday * **Time**: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm * **Venue**: Room 1021, HS... ==== Study Group ===== * **Day**: Monday * **Time**: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm * **Venue**: Room 1027, HS
teaching:csci2100:2014: 13 Hits
l ( If you have time conflict or other issues, please contact Mr. ZHAN... en midterm examination. - Date: 4 March - Time: 10:35 am to 12:25 pm - Venue: - SWH 2 ... (use %lld in printf()). Please be careful on the time complexity of your algorithm. - <hi yellow>** 27 January 2015**</hi>. Since It is the first time to use online judge as submission tool, we decide
signup:20130728-fellowship: 12 Hits
t ===== * **Date**: Sunday, July 28, 2013 * **Time**: 4:00 pm-ish onwards; 6:30 pm-ish for dinner ... available [[|here]]. * If you are driving, w
teaching:csci2100:2015: 11 Hits
d the supplementary file for the proof of running time of buildHeap algorithm. - <hi yellow>**29 Febru... e initial value of x is 0. - Give the running time of the algorithm. Each assignment operation, arit... peration, and comparison operation cost 1 unit of time. Reminder: when calculating the running time of a... ellow>**a=2, b=1 and c=2**</hi>. If you need more time to finish the homework, you can turn it in before
teaching:csci2100:2016: 7 Hits
^ Lecture II ^ Tutorial I ^ Tutorial II ^ ^ Time | M5, 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm | T5-6, 12:30 pm -... amination Schedule ===== | ^ Time ^ Venue ^ Notes ^... rrive at the venue 30 minutes before the starting time on the day of the examination to receive your acc... , which is usually three hours after the starting time including any missing time due to technical and o
people:xiaotian_yu: 4 Hits
Predictions via Influence Functions\\ 4. Test of Time Award: Combining Online and Offline Knowledge in ... eous Power Iteration \\ (Power Iteration is still time consuming, and cannot take the advantage of the s... d Feature Maps for Kernel Approximation \\ (still time consuming) 13. Nystrom Method with Kernel K-mean... gonality has used svd for batch learning,which is time consuming and bad for generation ability) 3. Ran
signup:20140330-soakingdinner: 3 Hits
===== * **Date**: Sunday, March 30, 2014 * **Time**: * 4:30 pm Soaking * 6:30 pm Dinner *... available [[|here]]. * Weekday at or afte... available [[|here]]. * Sundays and Public... available [[|here]]. Basically, every 00, 20, and
teaching:gena1113:2014: 2 Hits
ws === ===== Term 2, 2013 ===== | ^ Meeting Time I ^ ^ Time | F4-5, 11:30 am - 1:15 pm |
home: 2 Hits
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