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Professional Activities

Lab and Projects

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Troubles are tools by which God fashions us for better things.

- Henry Ward Beecher

Current Activities

CSC4170, CSC2100B, GEN1113, GEN2182, ICONIP'09, CollaborateCom2009, CIKM2009, ACML'09, ICCCI'09, APSIPA ASC 2009, WI'09, SocialCom-09, SIGIR2009, IJCAI-09, CASoN2009, IWSSIP2009, IJCNN2009, FAW2009, WWW2009, ICDE2009, CIDM2009, MSRAMCE2009, ECS2009, IJICC Special Issue, Springer Book

See Irwin King In

DBLP, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Google, Bing, Yahoo, ACM DL, ACM Guide to CL, IEEE Xplore, Google (CiteSeer), CS Bib, MSRA Libra, Arnetminer, Google Books, A9

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