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presentations:home: 100 Hits
g | | {{:presentations:topic-oriented summary.pdf|}} | |
| Jan. 28 | | Haoli Bai | J... Chen | {{:presentations:wchen_groupmeeting_0218.pdf|wchen_slides}} | |
| Feb. 25 | | Jiani ... Yu | | {{:presentations:saddle_point_problem.pdf|}} | |
| Jan. 16 | | Yuxin Su | | ... etworks \\ {{:presentations:feedforward_network.pdf|}} {{:presentations:dl_lecture2_backpropagation.p
teaching:csci2100:2015: 44 Hits
same topics. {{:teaching:csci2100:hw5_sample_sol.pdf|WA#4 solution}} {{:teaching:csci2100:hw4_sample_sol.pdf|WA#5 solution}}
- <hi yellow>**17 April 2016**</hi>. <html><font color="red"> <b>EMERGENCY<... und {{:teaching:csci2100:programming_midterm_2014.pdf|here}}. Sample code of several data structures an... le solutions are out. {{:teaching:csci2100:wa1sol.pdf|}}{{:teaching:csci2100:wa2sol.pdf|}}{{:teaching:c
teaching:csci2100:2016: 41 Hits
{{:teaching:csci2100:keepinternshipposter_final-1.pdf|KEEP Paid Internship}}
===== Breaking News ====... isted in the attachment: {{:teaching:csci2100:wa3.pdf|WA3}}. If you have submitted your homework but ha... ted in the attachment: {{:teaching:csci2100:wa2_1.pdf|WA2}}. If you have submitted your homework but ha... n the attachment:{{:teaching:csci2100:WA1_updated.pdf|WA1}}. If you have submitted your homework but ha
teaching:csci2100:2014: 31 Hits
have been updated. Please download it again. The pdf file for Week 3 on List, Stack, and Queue (LSQ) i... le [{{:teaching:csci2100:staffstudentexpectations.pdf|here}}].
====== Course Description ======
The c... conducted in English.
====== Syllabus ======
The pdf files are created in Acrobat XI. Please obtain th...|01-Introduction.pdf]] | Introduction of C
people:home: 24 Hits
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |...}
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 ... ttp://|pdf]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Sh... [[|pdf]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Ch
teaching:csci2100:2015:tutorial: 12 Hits
{:teaching:csci2100:2015:tutorial1_cintro_updated.pdf|Introduction of C}} | Hongyi Zhang | |
| ... 1.14 | {{:teaching:csci2100:2015:tutorial2_ojs.pdf|Online Judge System}} | Jiani Zhang | Instru... 1.27 | {{:teaching:csci2100:2015:tutorial3_ioc.pdf|I/O Issues in C}} | Jiani Zhang | |
| 4 |... 2.3 | {{:teaching:csci2100:2015:tutorial4_lsq_1.pdf|Lists, Stacks, and Queues in C}} | Ken Chan |
teaching:csci2100:2016:tutorial: 11 Hits
1 | {{:teaching:csci2100:2016:tutorial1_cintro1.pdf|Introduction of C}} | Wang Chen | [[https://... 8 | {{:teaching:csci2100:2016:tutorial2_oj_new.pdf|Online Judge System}} | Jiani Zhang | [[https... {{:teaching:csci2100:2016:transfer_file_to_server.pdf|File transfer}} |
| 3 | 1.23 & 1.25 | {{:teaching:csci2100:2016:tutorial3_vim.pdf|Basic Linux Commands and VIM}} | Shuyue Hu | [[http://www.o
teaching:gena1113:2014: 8 Hits
conducted in English.
====== Syllabus ======
The pdf files are created in Acrobat 6.0. Please obtain t... =
- {{:teaching:gen1113:scn_20090202113046_001.pdf|The Idea of a University by Michael Oaskeshott}}
- {{:teaching:gen1113:scn_20090202113238_001.pdf|The Mission of the University: Medieval to Postmo... }}
- {{:teaching:gen1113:scn_20090202113342_001.pdf|Do the Right Thing: Ethical Issues in Higher Educ
people:xiaotian_yu: 8 Hits
==== Stochastic Convex Optimization ====
1. Duc... \
2. Ben-Tal, Aharon, Laurent El Ghaoui, and Arkad... \
2. Bubeck, Sébastien. Convex optimization: Algor... (2016)\\
==== Learning Theory and Bandits ====
1. Cesa-B
signup:20180504potluck: 5 Hits|here]].
* **Weekdays and Saturday at or...|here]].
* **Sundays and Public Holidays... ttp://|here]]. Basically, take bus "H" every 00, 20, an... s about 8-10 mins. See {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|map}}.
* **Driving**
* We have pl
signup:20181124thanksgiving: 5 Hits|here]].
* **Weekdays and Saturday at or...|here]].
* **Sundays and Public Holidays... ttp://|here]]. Basically, take bus "H" every 00, 20, an... -10 mins.
- See {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|map}}.
* **Driving**
* We have pl
signup:20180210rfsreunion: 5 Hits|here]].
* **Weekdays and Saturday at or...|here]].
* **Sundays and Public Holidays... ttp://|here]]. Basically, take bus "H" every 00, 20, an... s about 8-10 mins. See {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|map}}.
* **Driving**
* We have pl
signup:20171125halfmarathon: 5 Hits|here]].
* **Weekdays and Saturday at or...|here]].
* **Sundays and Public Holidays... ttp://|here]]. Basically, take bus "H" every 00, 20, an... s about 8-10 mins. See {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|map}}.
* **Driving**
* We have pl
signup:20140330-soakingdinner: 5 Hits|here]].
* Weekday at or after 7:00 pm, ...|here]].
* Sundays and Public Holidays b... ttp://|here]]. Basically, every 00, 20, and 40 on the h... be about HKD $25. See {{:signup:the_king_s_home.pdf|map}}.
* **Driving**
* We have pl