====== CSC2100B Data Structures Tutorials ======
| ^ Lecture I ^ Lecture II ^ Tutorial I ^ Tutorial II ^
^ Time | M7-8, 2:30 pm - 4:15 pm | T2, 9:30 am - 10:15 am | T9, 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm | H9, 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm |
^ Venue | SC L1 | ERB LT | ERB 404 | ERB 404 |
**See announcement at bottom of page**
(Last updated on 28 Jan 2010)
^ Week ^ Date ^ Notes ^ Remarks ^ TA ^ Resources ^
| 1 | 12/1 - 14/1 | N/A | No Tutorial this week |N/A | N/A |
| 2 | 19/1 - 21/1 | {{:teaching:csc2100b:tu1.ppt|Introduction to C}} | TBD | Tom Chao Zhou | TBD |
| 3 | 26/1 - 28/1 | {{:teaching:csc2100b:tu2new.ppt|Online Judge Server}} | TBD | Tom Chao Zhou | TBD |
| 4 | 2/2 -4/2 | {{:teaching:csc2100b:tu3.pdf|List, Stack and Queue}} | TBD | Tom Chao Zhou | TBD |
| 5 | 9/2 - 11/2 | {{:teaching:csc2100b:tu4.pdf|Bianry and AVL Tree}} | TBD | Jianye Hao | TBD |
| 6 | 16/2 - 18/2 | N/A | TBD | TBD | TBD |
| 7 | 23/2 - 2/25 | {{:teaching:csc2100b:tu5.pdf|Binary Search Trees Implementation}} | TBD | Tom Chao Zhou| TBD |
| 8 | 2/3 -4/3 | {{:teaching:csc2100b:tu6.pdf|Hashing}} | TBD | Tom Chao Zhou | TBD |
| 9 | 9/3 - 11/3 | {{:teaching:csc2100b:tu7_new.ppt|Heap}} | TBD | Jianye Hao| TBD |
| 10 | 16/3 - 18/3 | {{:teaching:csc2100b:sorting.ppt|Sorting}} | TBD | Xin Xin | TBD |
| 11 | 23/3 - 25/3 | {{:teaching:csc2100b:332.pdf|Code for Homework}}| TBD | Xin| TBD |
| 12 | 30/3 - 1/4 | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
| 13 | 6/4 - 8/4 | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
| 14 | 13/4 - 15/4 | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
| 15 | 20/4 - 22/4 | {{:teaching:csc2100b:tu10_graph1.ppt|Graph}} | TBD | Jianye Hao | TBD |
====== News ======
- **5 April 2010**. The programming mid-term starts from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturday (10, April), and the venue is in Rm 924, Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building.
- **2 Feb 2010 Document for NON-CSE students to login to Unix using SSH software**. {{:teaching:csc2100b:noncse-ssh.doc|Non-CSE SSH}}
- **2 Feb 2010 Written Assignment 1:**. Some students asked what is needed to do for problem 1.1(1,3,6) in you 1st written assignment. It is needed to write out the result for the sequence, for example, you could refer to page 42 of lecture notes "http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/csc2100b/PDF/CSC2100BK-Introduction.pdf".
- **29 January 2010**. The question id for the 1st programming asgn are 116 and 118.
- **29 January 2010**. The login id for the Online Judgement System has been sent to you cuhk email(sxxxxxxx@mailserv.cuhk.edu.hk).
- **28 January 2010**. About the award scheme in the programming asgn: the award scheme is introduced in the TA courses this week, however, it should be based on **day**, **not based on week**. **This scheme is to be reconfirmed.The score is for reference only, and does not reflect your final grade.** Here is an example: \\
**Suppose @award = (0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);**\\
the 0th entry is no use, the 1st entry is the number of award times in the 1st day.\\
pen = # of submissions -1-award[x]; //x is the day when you successfully finish the program\\
if (pen<0){\\
pen = 0;\\
mark = 30 + (70-$pen*5);\\
So the rule to calculate the score is:\\
suppose the student submit the asgn in the 1st day for 10 times, the penalty is pen = 10 - 1 - 4 = 5, then the mark is mark = 30 + (70-5*5)= 75\\
suppose the student submit the asgn in the 2nd day for 10 times, the penalty is pen = 10 - 1 - 3 = 6, then the mark is mark = 30 + (70-6*5) = 70\\