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Emeritus, Adjunct and Visiting Professors













Prof. Michael Batty (2015/16-2016/17)



Dr. Chen Huiwei (2017/18)












Prof. YEUNG Yue-man (楊汝萬教授)

Emeritus Professor

BA, DipEd (HK)
MA (Western Ontario)
PhD (Chicago)
Honorary Fellow, CUHK
Honorary Fellow, Shaw College, CUHK
Honorary Professor, The Open University of Hong Kong






Prof. Olivia BINA

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Research Fellow (Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon)

Laurea in Political Sciences (Italian BA) (Università Statale di Milano)
MPhil in Environment and Development (University of Cambridge)
PhD in Geography (University of Cambridge)







Prof. CHAU Kwai Cheong (鄒桂昌教授)

Adjunct Associate Professor

BA, MPhil (Hong Kong)
PhD (Australian National)

(852) 3943-6533


Deputy Chairman, Advisory Council on the Environment
Subject Committee Member of Geography, Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination Board

Research Interests

Soil-plant interactions, Soil amendment
Sustainable agricultural development
Fire Ecology







Prof. LAM Kin Che (林健枝教授)

Adjunct Professor

BA, MPhil (Hong Kong)
PhD (New England)








Prof. Jimmy LEUNG Cheuk-fai (梁焯輝教授)

Adjunct Professor

B.S.Sc. (CUHK)
MPhil (UCL)
PRC Registered Urban Planner Qualification


Research Interests

Strategic Planning and Regional Cooperation
Urban Planning Practices,
Land Use Planning and Urbanism








Prof. LEUNG Yee (梁怡教授)

Emeritus Professor

MA, MS, PhD (Colorado)


[Research profile and publications]


Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Future Cities

Research Interests

Mathematical models and geocomputation
Spatial data mining and knowledge discovery
Spatial decision support systems
Urban and regional analysis







Prof. LEUNG Yu Fai (梁宇暉教授)

Adjunct Professor

BSSc and MPhil, Geography (CUHK)
PhD, Forestry-Natural Resource Recreation (Virginia Tech)



Professor and Director of Graduate Programs, Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management, College of Natural Resources, North Carolina State University, USA
Editor-in-Chief, Tourism and Visitor Management in Protected Areas: Guidelines for Sustainability (IUCN Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series)
Member, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Commission on Protected Areas, Gland, Switzerland

Research Interests

Recreation ecology and visitor impact research
Sustainability indicators and monitoring methods
Tourism and conservation issues in protected areas








Prof. LIN Hui (林琿教授)

Chen Shupeng Professor of GeoInformation Science

DipEngr (Wuhan Tech. U. of Survey & Mapping)
MSc (Grad. School of Chinese Academy of Science)
MA, PhD (State U. of New York at Buffalo)


Professor and Dean of the School of Geography and Environment, Jiangxi Normal University

Research Interests

Virtual Geographic Environments
Remote Sensing in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Areas
Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Science








Prof. LING Kar Kan (凌嘉勤教授)

Adjunct Professor

BSSc (Hon)(CUHK)
Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Planners
PRC Registered Urban Planner Qualification


Member, Advisory Committee on Building and Real Estate, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Advisor, Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design

Research Interests

Urban Planning







Prof. WONG Fook Yee (王福義教授)

Adjunct Professor

B.Th (Oxen)
MSc (Wales)
MSoSc. (HKU)



Honorary Associate Professor, Geography Department, HKU
Trustee, Chung Chi College, CUHK
Director, Friends of Country Parks
Governor, Alice Ho Miu Liang Nethersole Charity Foundation
Member, Executive Committee, Hong Kong Christian Council
Expert Panel on Tree Management, Development Bureau, HKSAR
Member of the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP) Steering Committee, Environmental Bureau, HKSAR
Convenor of the Mainstreaming and Sustainability Working Group on BSAP, AFCD, HKSAR
Co-opted member of Lantau Development Advisory Committee – Economic and Social Development Subcommittee, Development Bureau, HKSAR
Deputy Chair of IUCN/WCPA Urban Specialist Group

Research Interests

Countryside recreation, nature conservation, planning and management of protected areas, environmental ethics







Prof. Jenny Cameron (2014/15)

Visiting Professor

PhD (Monash Uni.); MA (Uni. of Sydney); B. Applied Sc. (Urban & Regional Planning)(Qld Uni. of Technology); Dip. of Primary Teaching (Brisbane CAE).



Founding Member, Community Economies Collective
Chairperson and Director, The Beanstalk Organic Food Cooperative

Research Interests

Diverse and Community Economies;
Asset-based Community Development;
Participatory Action Research;
Public Participation, Academic Writing Skills







Prof. Steffanie Scott (2014/15)

Visiting Professor

PhD (Vancouver, Canada)
MA (Guelph, Canada)
BA (Vancouver, Canada)


Home department:
Department of Geography & Environmental Management
Faculty of Environment
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Canada
Personal webpage:


President, (2012-14), Vice-President (2010-12), and member of the Board of Directors (2005-10) of the Canadian Association for Food Studies
Director, Local Economic Development master's program (2008-2011)
Co-chair of the Board, Waterloo Region Food System Roundtable (2007-11)
Co-founder of LinkedIn group, China's Changing Food System

Research Interests

Agro-food systems sustainability and food security (in China, Canada, Vietnam)
Organic and ecological food production
Small producer participation in food supply chains
Urban food system dynamics & planning
Property rights, land policy, and inequalities
Rural livelihoods, governance and agrarian transition
Environment-development interfaces, green lifestyles







Prof. Michael Batty  (2015/16-2016/17)

VC Distinguished Visiting Professor

PhD (Wales)
BA (Manchester)


Home department:
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA)
University College London
Personal webpage:


Bartlett Professor of Planning at University College London
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, elected 1982
Fellow of the British Academy, elected 2001
Academician of the Social Sciences, elected 2001
Fellow of the Royal Society, elected 2009
Chair, the Management Board of CASA
Honorary Professor, University of Cardiff
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Arizona State University
Research Board, Royal Geographical Society
Chair, ESRC-JISC Census Advisory Group

Research Interests

Computer modeling of cities and regions
Big data and smart cities
Simulating long term structural change and dynamics in cities as well as their visualization

Recent Books

2013 The New Science of Cities, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

2005 Cities and Complexity: Understanding Cities with Cellular Automata, Agent-Based Models, and Fractals, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, xxiii + 565 pp.

1994 Fractal Cities: A Geometry of Form and Function, Academic Press, London and San Diego, CA, xxii + 394 pp. (with P. A. Longley).







Prof. Hoai Anh Tran  (2017/18)

STINT Visiting Scholar

PhD (Lund University)


Home department:
Department of Urban Studies, Malmö University


Associate Professor in Architecture and the Built Environments, Malmö University
Senior lecturer, Manager of the Urban Development and Planning program, Department of Urban Studies, Malmö University

Research Interests

Urban development & housing policies and social justice
Urban planning, urban development and state-society relations
Urban space production and urban qualities








Dr. Chen Huiwei  (2017/18)

Part-time lecturer

BSc (Economic Geography) (Sun Yat-sen University)
MSc (Regional and Urban Planning Studies) (London School of Economics and Political Sciences)
PhD (Urban Planning and Design) (The University of Hong Kong)

Teaching Fields:

Urban Studies
Spatial Planning


Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Future Cities, CUHK

Research Interests

Socio-spatial polarisation
Housing and poverty
Place quality, sense of place, health and well-being

Selected Publications

Huiwei Chen, Mee Kam Ng, Murat Es, Joanna Lee, Winnie W. S. Mak, Yuying Tong, Wu Ka Ming & Huiquan Zhou (2018). Socio-spatial polarization and the (re-)distribution of deprived groups in world cities: A case study of Hong Kong, Urban Geography, DOI:10.1080/02723638.2017.1421392

Yi Sun, Roger C. K. Chan, Huiwei Chen (2016). Learning with geographical sensitivity: place-based education and its praxis. The Professional Geographer, 68(4): 574-583.

Shi Xian, Huiwei Chen (2015). Revitalisation of industrial buildings in Hong Kong: New measures, new constraints? Habitat International, 47(6): 298-306.

Huiwei Chen, Roger C. K. Chan, Qicong He (2013). From excluded ghettos to exclusionary enclaves: A private sector initiative, Journal of Land, Housing and Urban Affairs, 4(3): 211-223.








Dr. LEUNG Yin Kiu, Kevin

Part-time lecturer

BSSc (Geography and Resource Management) (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
MSc (Earth System Science) (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
PhD (Geography) (The University of Hong Kong)


Teaching Fields:

Population and migration
Geography of China

Research Interests

Urban and transport geography
Urban sustainability and resilience
Tourism mobilities

Selected Publications

Olsen, J.R., Leung, K.Y.K., Nicholls, N. and Loo, B.P.Y. (2020). Do neighbourhood characteristics matter in understanding school children’s active lifestyles? A cross-region multi-city comparison of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Hong Kong. Children’s Geographies, advance online publication. DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2020.1828826  (Taylor & Francis; 2019 Impact Factor: 1.856)

Leung, K.Y.K. and Loo, B.P.Y. (2020). Determinants of children’s active travel to school: A case study in Hong Kong. Travel Behaviour and Society, 21: 79-89. DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2020.05.009 (Elsevier; 2019 Impact Factor: 3.352)

Loo, B.P.Y., Leung, K.Y.K. and Chan, F.C.H. (2020). How short-term cycling training promotes cycling amongst schoolchildren in high-density cities. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 14(11): 872-885. DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2019.1642971 (Taylor & Francis; 2019 Impact Factor: 2.709)

Leung, K.Y.K. and Loo, B.P.Y. (2017). Association of children’s mobility and wellbeing: A case study in Hong Kong. Travel Behaviour and Society, 9: 95-104. DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2017.07.004 (Elsevier; 2019 Impact Factor: 3.352)

Loo, B.P.Y. and Leung, K.Y.K. (2017). Transport resilience: The Occupy Central Movement in Hong Kong from another perspective. Transportation Research Part A, 106: 100-115. DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2017.09.003 (Elsevier; 2019 Impact Factor: 3.992)