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What is Intercultural Studies

文化研究文学硕士课程 - What is Intercultural Studies

What is Intercultural Studies

What is Intercultural Studies?


In our study of culture, we emphasize ‘inter-’ as a way of thinking critically about the relationship of socio-political processes, disciplinary knowledges, and geopolitical conditions with cultural representations such as film, television, photography, visual art, video games, and social media. ‘Inter-’ suggests drawing from different perspectives and methods including critical theory, film and screen studies, anthropology, history, urbanism, science and technology, and ecocriticism to uncover new frameworks for representing, understanding, and confronting urgent issues and challenges like inequality, overconsumption, migration, and climate change.


1 Stuart Hall and the Rise of Cultural Studies 
2 就是爱看爽片——法兰克福学派对文化工业的批判
3 The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming
4 Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus
5 大卫·哈维:2019冠状病毒时期的反资本主义政治
6 专访亨利·詹金斯:粉丝的权利与边界在哪里?
7 Gimmicks Might Be the Key to Understanding Capitalism
8 民众的「现身」——香港如何在帝国博弈间寻找城市自主
9 ‘There is No Such Thing as Documentary’: An Interview with Trinh T. Minh-ha
10 Embracing the Border: Gloria Anzaldua’s Borderlands/La Frontera
11 A Conversation Between Chen Kuan-hsing and Rasheed Araeen
12 Language After the Fact: Rey Chow’s “Not Like a Native Speaker”
13 Christopher B. Patterson: Not Me-Studies, but We-Studies - On Open World Empire
14 John Erni: 用文化研究跟少数族裔同行
15 文化研究≠研究「文化」 多角度洞悉现实权力关系
16 你在淘宝买买买,你的垃圾已踏上全球旅行
17 我们早已成为「后人类」,为何依然如此惧怕它?
18 Sara Ahmed: Notes from a Feminist Killjoy
19 Anna Tsing: The Politics of the Rhizosphere
20 Simone Browne: How Surveillance has Always Reinforced Racism
21 Unraveling Academia with Queer Punk Feminist Julietta Singh