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Strategic Research Areas


Climate Change and Human Responses

Climate change is a focused research area in the studies of physical and environmental systems. The expertise of our research team members covers climatology and air quality, hydrology and water resources, soils, ecology and biogeochemistry. We endeavor to study the characteristics, processes and impacts of climate change and how human society should respond to enhance sustainability. While our research activities are interdisciplinary and broad, we focus on the following three areas: (1) atmospheric dynamics, variability and modeling; (2) carbon cycling and biosphere-atmosphere greenhouse gas exchange; and (3) climate change impacts on hydrologic cycle, air quality and public health. Our studies cover geographical areas at global, national, regional, and local scales, with an emphasis on the sub-tropical environment in Hong Kong, the Pearl River basin and South China. Together with other climate change researchers at CUHK, we aim to develop a regional research hub of excellence in the interdisciplinary studies of climate change and human responses from scientific, engineering and socio-economic perspectives.

Faculty members:
LAU Ngar Cheung, Gabriel; CHEN Yongqin, David; LEUNG Yee; YIM Hung Lam, Steve; LAI Yuk Fo, Derrick; XU Yuan.


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