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  > Programmes > Undergraduate > Smart Sustainable Cities

Smart Sustainable Cities


The goal of this concentration is to equip students with experience, competency and entrepreneurial spirit in leveraging the digital revolution to contribute to the transdisciplinary efforts of building future cities that are not only smart but also sustainable, humane, convivial and ecological.

Accelerated globalisation and urbanisation have posed many challenges to cities, including resource depletion, climate change, global warming and socio-economic polarisation. The emerging digital revolution if harnessed smartly, can contribute to a better understanding, analysis and resolution of such issues. Smart planning, smart transport and smart grid can lower resource consumption and greenhouse emissions, thus ameliorating climate change and global warming. Big data analytics, crowd-sourcing, digital engagement, sharing of information and views could be essential platforms to promote the development of a more inclusive society, polity and economy. The ambitious programmes of building smart cities in Hong Kong, mainland China and many other countries involve new ethical and moral issues, giving rise to an urgent need of nurturing talents who can employ creatively cutting-edge technologies to develop socio-economically and ecologically sustainable cities.

Students taking this concentration will learn about theories, concepts, technologies and best practices of smart sustainable city development. Courses in the concentration will expose students to theoretical knowledge by academics and practical knowledge by practising professionals, hands-on experience and student-centered learning activities such as group projects seeking technology-driven and creative solutions of building smart sustainable cities.

Students may choose to declare this area of concentration by taking GRMD2501 and at least 9 units of other courses listed below:

GRMD 2501 Theory and Practice of Smart Cities
GRMD 3106 Advanced GIS
GRMD 3203 Urban Environmental Problems
GRMD 4502 Urban Big Data Analysis and Application
GRMD 4503 Smart City Policies and Governance
URSP 2800 Urban Form, Sense of Place and Well-being *
URSP 2900 Recommoning *
URSP 3600 Designing Smart Cities *

* Courses offered by the Urban Studies Programme


1. Please refer to the CUHK Undergraduate Student Handbook for course description and prerequisite conditions of some courses.

2. Some courses may not be offered every year. Please check the Registration and Examinations Section of CUHK for courses offered in current year.