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Dr. WANG Lang (王朗博士)



BSc, MSc (Beijing)
PhD (Macquarie)

(852) 3943-6638


Teaching Fields

Meteorology and Climatology
Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Natural Hazards

Research Interests

Atmosphere-land interaction and Earth system modeling
Hydroclimatology and Climate Change
Landscape Pattern and Eco-hydrological processes

Services/ Posts

Journal reviewer of "Climatic Change", "International Journal of Climatology", "Land Use Policy", "Catena" and "Scientific Reports"
Member of AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society)
Member of IAHS (International Association of Hydrological Sciences)

Selected Publications

Wang, L., and Yang, Z.-L. 2019. Changes of Land-Use under anthropogenic influences, Oxford Research Encyclopedia, forthcoming.

Wang, L. and Cheung, K. K. W., 2017. Potential impact of reforestation programmes and uncertainties in land cover effects over the loess plateau: a regional climate modeling study. Climatic Change. 144(3): 475-490.

Wang, L., Cheung, K. K. W., Tam, C.-Y., Tai, A. P. K., and Li Y., 2017. Evaluation of the RegCM Regional Climate Model over the Loess Plateau of China. International Journal of Climatology. 38(1): 35-54.

王朗, 傅伯杰, 吕一河, 曾源. 生态恢复背景下陕北地区植被覆盖的时空变化, 应用生态学报, 2010. 21(8): 2109-2116.

王朗, 徐延达, 傅伯杰, 吕一河. 半干旱区景观格局与生态水文过程研究进展, 地球科学进展, 2009. 24(11): 1238-1246.

Research Projects

The Mainland Talents and Professionals of Hong Kong, 2016-2018