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Professor HE Ying, Sylvia (何穎教授)


Associate Professor

BS Geography (SYSU)
MA Geography (McMaster)
GCert Financial Analysis and Valuation (USC)
MA Economics (USC)
PhD Policy, Planning, and Development (USC)


[Curriculum Vitae]


Teaching Fields

Urban Economics
Sustainable Urban Transport
World Development

Research Interests

Transportation Planning and Policy
Travel Behavior
Activity-based Modeling
GIS/Spatial Analysis
Urban and Regional Economics


Associate Editor: Travel Behaviour and Society (Elsevier)
Associate Editor: Asian Transport Studies (Elsevier)
Assessment Panel Member, Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector (APSF) (Humanities and Social Sciences (H) Subject), 2020/2021 & 2021/2022. Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong SAR
Member, International Scientific Committee, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS)
Board Member and Honorary Secretary, Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies
Chartered Member, The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)
Professional Member, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
Research Fellow, Institute of Future Cities, CUHK
Member, Faculty Admission Committee, CUHK Faculty of Social Science
Member, Faculty Committee on Academic Advising, CUHK Faculty of Social Science
Admission Tutor, Urban Studies Programme, CUHK

Selected Publications

He S.Y., Tao S., Cheung Y.H.Y., Puczkowskyj N., and Lin Z. (2021). Transit-oriented development, perceived neighbourhood gentrification and sense of community: A case study of Hong Kong, Case Studies on Transport Policy (forthcoming) (

Guo Y. and He S.Y. (2021). Perceived built environment and dockless bikeshare as a feeder mode of metro, Transportation Research Part D, 92, 102693. (​1016/​j.​trd.​2020.​102693).

Luo S. and He S.Y. (2020). Using data mining to explore the spatial and temporal dynamics of perceptions of metro services in China: The case of Shenzhen, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (forthcoming) (

He S.Y., Chakrabarti S., and Cheung Y.H.Y. (2020). A time-use perspective of out-of-home activity participation by older people in Hong Kong, Asian Geographer (forthcoming) (

He S.Y., Thøgersen J., Cheung Y.H.Y., and Yu A.H.Y. (2020). Ageing in a transit-oriented city: Satisfaction with transport, social inclusion and wellbeing, Transport Policy, 97, 85-94. (

Tao S., He S.Y., and Luo S. (2020). The influence of job accessibility on local residential segregation of ethnic minorities: a study of Hong Kong, Population, Space and Place, 26(8), e2353. (https://doi:10.1002/psp.2353).

Guo Y. and He S.Y. (2020). Built environment effects on the integration of dockless bike sharing and the Metro, Transportation Research Part D, 83, 102335 (forthcoming) (

Tao S. and He S.Y. (2020). Job accessibility and joint household travel: A study of Hong Kong with a particular focus on new town residents, Transportation (forthcoming) (

He S.Y. (2020). Regional impact of rail network accessibility on residential property price: Modelling spatial heterogeneous capitalisation effects in Hong Kong, Transportation Research Part A, 135, 244-263 ( 

He S.Y., Tao S., Ng M.K., and Tieben H. (2020). Evaluating Hong Kong’s spatial planning in new towns from the perspectives of job accessibility, transport mobility patterns, and work–life balance, Journal of the American Planning Association, 86, 324-338. ( 

He S.Y., Wu D., Chen H., Hou Y., and Ng M.K. (2020). New towns and the local agglomeration economy. Habitat International, 98, 102153. (

Tao S., He S.Y., Kwan M.-P., and Luo S. (2020). Does low income translate into lower mobility? An investigation of activity space in Hong Kong between 2002 and 2011, Journal of Transport Geography, 82, 102583 ( 

He S.Y., Chakrabarti S., Cheung Y.H.Y., and Ngai W.W.K. (2019). The out-of-home activities of older people in Hong Kong: A time-use study, Transportation Research Procedia, 41, 807-810. 

Tao S., He S.Y., and Thøgersen J. (2019). The role of car ownership in attitudes towards public transport: a comparative study of Guangzhou and Brisbane, Transportation Research Part F, 60, 685-699 (

He S.Y., Cheung Y.H.Y., and Tao S. (2018), Travel mobility and social participation among older people in a transit metropolis: A socio-spatial-temporal perspective, Transportation Research Part A, 118, 608-626. (

Baker M. and He S.Y. (2018). [Editorial] Understanding urban change in diverse contexts: experiences from Manchester and Hong Kong, Town Planning Review, 89, 463-465. (

He S.Y., Tao S., Hou Y., and Jiang W. (2018). Mass Transit Railway, transit-oriented development, and spatial justice: the competition for prime residential locations in Hong Kong since the 1980s, Town Planning Review, 89, 467-493. (

He S.Y. and Giuliano G. (2018). School choice: Understanding the trade-off between travel distance and school quality, Transportation, 45, 1475-1498.

He S.Y., Miller E.J., and Scott D.M. (2018). [Editorial] Big data and travel behaviour, Travel Behaviour and Society, 11, 119-120.

Wang Z., He S.Y., and Leung Y. (2018). Applying mobile phone data to travel behaviour research: A literature review, Travel Behaviour and Society, 11, 141-155.

Lee J., He S.Y., and Sohn D.W. (2017). Potential for converting short car trips to active trips: the role of the built environment in tour-based travel. Journal of Transport & Health, 7, 134-148.

He S.Y. (2017). A hierarchical estimation of school quality capitalisation in house prices in Orange County, California, Urban Studies, 54, 3337-3359.

He S.Y. and Thøgersen J. (2017). The impact of attitudes and perceptions on travel mode choice and car ownership in a Chinese megacity: The case of Guangzhou. Research in Transportation Economics, 62, 57-67.

He S.Y., Lee J., Zhou T., and Wu D. (2017). Shrinking cities and resource-based economy: The economic restructuring in China’s mining cities, Cities, 60, 75-83.

He S.Y. and Giuliano G. (2017). Factors affecting children’s journeys to school: A joint escort-mode choice model, Transportation, 44, 199-224.

He S.Y., Kuo Y.H., and Wu D. (2016). Incorporating institutional and spatial factors in the selection of the optimal locations of public electric vehicle charging facilities: A case study of Beijing, China, Transportation Research Part C, 67, 131-148.

Hu L. and He S.Y. (2016). The association between telecommuting and household travel in the Chicago metropolitan area, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 142(3), 04016005(1-8).

Leung J.M.Y., Cheng C.H., He S.Y., and Kuo Y.-H.  (eds.) (2015). Proceedings of the 20th International of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS). Hong Kong: HKSTS (ISBN: 978-988-15814-4-0).

He S.Y. and Hu L. (2015), Telecommuting, income, and out-of-home activities, Travel Behaviour and Society, 2, 131-147.

He S.Y. (2014). Conference report: Asian Urbanism and Beyond, the 18th Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities, Town Planning Review, 85, 533-539.

He S.Y. (2014). When growth grinds to a halt: Population and economic development of resource-depleted cities in China. In Harry W. Richardson and Chang Woon Nam (eds.), Shrinking Cities: A Global Perspective (pp. 152-168). New York: Routledge.

He S.Y. (2013). Will you escort your child to school? The effect of spatial and temporal constraints of parental employment, Applied Geography, 42, 116-123.

He S.Y. (2013). Does flexitime affect departure time choice for morning home-based commuting trips? Evidence from two regions in California, Transport Policy, 25, 210-221.

He S.Y. (2013). Los Angeles: A Transit Metropolis in the Making? In Institute for Mobility Research (ed.), Megacity Mobility Culture: How Cities Move on in a Diverse World (pp. 161-183). Berlin: Springer.

Scott D.M. and He S. (2012), Modeling constrained destination choice for shopping: a GIS-based, time-geographic approach, Journal of Transport Geography, 23, 60-71.

Giuliano G., Redfearn C., Agarwal A., and He S.Y. (2012), Network accessibility and employment centres, Urban Studies, 49, 77-95.

He S. (2011), The effect of school quality and residential environment on mode choice of school trips, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2213, 96-104.