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Introduction (About us)


General Information

Department of Geography and Resource Management at The Chinese University of Hong Kong is one of the top geography departments at the forefront of geography education and research in Asia. We offer a wide range of programmes from bachelor to doctorate levels and have trained high calibre graduates contributing to society. Our departmental staff members also serve as directors of three research institutes in the University, namely the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability, Institute of Future Cities, and Institute of Space and Earth Information Science.


The Department offers undergraduates many choices of over 40 courses.

Students are required to complete a minimum of 51 units of courses (3 units per course) in the major programme, consisting of at least 10 compulsory and 9 elective GRM courses.

Students also have to fulfil other curriculum requirements of the University.

Future Prospects

Finally, what do students do once they get their degrees? As many day-to-day problems have a geographic dimension, job opportunities for geographers are many and diverse. For example, many of our graduates have established rewarding careers in the business sector and with various government agencies. Many are also engaged in teaching at different levels of the educational system. Some pursue studies and specialize in town planning, soil science, and environmental management, for instance. Quite a number of them are involved in academic and research work.


The Department maintains seven well-equipped laboratories, as well as an extensive environmental monitoring network, including an atmospheric environment monitoring station, a weather station, a rainfall simulator and equipment for soil and hydrological studies which are housed in our Physical Geography Experimental Station. We also have our own reference library and a Map Room for student use.