The pursuit of ideal living environment has long been a human undertaking throughout history. Because of environmental variations, some places are definitely better than the others for living and development. In the ancient time, man strived for searching a nice place for settlement where could provide a better resource base. Nowadays, man acquires sciences and technologies to change or even create the environment that makes living pleasant and comfortable.
This course provides the student with the insights needed to gain an understanding of ideal environment for living from the perspective of a geographer. Topics include environmental perception, siting and location, urbanization, land use and functions, urban planning, urban design, architecture and interior design. As the course examines the understanding of ideal environment for living from different angles, students will not only gain objective geographical knowledge about the relationship between man and environment, but also learn how some urban challenges and issues are tackled. While the coverage will be broad and pluralistic, examples and cases of mainland China and Hong Kong will be emphasized.