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  > Programmes > Undergraduate > General Education & Other Electives
  UGEC 1120 香港與珠江三角洲
Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta

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Course Description
Number of Units: 3
Lecture Hours: 3 hours/week
Course Teachers: Prof. XU Jiang (
  Dr. LEE Wai Ying, Joanna (
Language of Instruction: Cantonese  
Course Outline
Since the establishment of the Special Administrative Region in 1997 under ‘One Country Two Systems’, the synergy between Hong Kong and the PRD has been renewed. There is an increasing socio-economic and environmental interaction between the two places. Study of the changing relations between Hong Kong and the PRD will help students understand the dynamic socio-economic development of the region as a rapidly growing mega-city in the world. A wide variety of teaching and learning activities, including lectures, forums and video watching will be conducted to present a lively and comprehensive picture of the Hong Kong-PRD region to students.
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Course Highlights
1. Hong Kong and the PRD: The geographical setting
2. From farming to manufacturing: socio-economic transformation of the Greater PRD
3. Changing spatial relationship between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta


Foreign direct investment: angel or devil?


CEPA and Hong Kong


Hong Kong and the PRD: a premier tourist destination
7. Cross-border infrastructure development in the Greater PRD: competition vs cooperation
8. Migration in the Greater-PRD
9. From state to market: how to satisfy the housing demand in the Greater-PRD?


Environmental degradation - a necessary evil of economic growth?


Planning sustainable cities in the Greater PRD


One country, many systems: competition or cooperation in the Greater PRD

Mega-city regions: the Greater PRD from global perspective

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Please also refer to the information in the Office of University General Education and CUHK Undergraduate Handbook
(Select Curriculum and then Course Details)