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  UGEB 2132 從太空觀地球
Earth as Seen from Space

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Course Description
Number of Units: 3
Lecture Hours: 2 hours/week + Tutorials
Course Teacher: Mr. Wong Kwan Kit (
Language of Instruction: Cantonese  
Course Outline
The spatial observation technology has greatly enhanced the ability of humankind to monitor the whole earth in real time manner. Previously, humankind's naked eye could only observe a small area of earth. Mankind was like living in a black box without a complete view of the whole earth.
The invention of spatial observation technology such as satellite is one major technology breakthrough in human history. The sensor in the satellite can capture the ground information from the space. This technology is named remote sensing. It has been widely used in the exploration of natural resources, land use environmental monitoring, disaster analysis, urban development and national defense. For example, through monitoring the crop growth using the remote sensing technology, a country is able to estimate potential food shortage in advance to avoid famine.
This course introduces students of various disciplines to gain a basic understanding of how remote sensing technology can be used to the study of earth surface from a global perspective. The lecturers will use large amount of remote sensing images to illustrate the changes in the earth surface as a result of natural process and human activities. According to the nature of the content, the course is divided into three parts: part I. remote sensing: beyond the naked eyes; part II: remote sensing applications in resource and disaster management; and part III. remote sensing as a source of information systems. Through the course study, students will acquire basic knowledge of image capturing, image processing and image interpretation as well as environmental changes on the earth surface. Students will gain hand-on experience in viewing and interpreting 3-D images through tutorials.
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Course Highlights
1. Remote Sensing:
A new information technology for our everyday life
2. From data to information:
Making sense of mystified images
3. Types of remote sensing images:
Capturing information on Earth


Satellite remote sensing:
Monitoring the earth from the above


Assessing land use and cover for sustainable development


Tracing historical changes: birth and death of cities
7. Agriculture and forest management:
Feeding the billions
8. Natural hazard and disaster:
From forecast to management
9. Mystified ocean


Global climate change:
Threats or opportunities for our tomorrow


Geographic information system:
merging remote sensing data with non remote sensing data


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Please also refer to the information in the Office of University General Education and CUHK Undergraduate Handbook
(Select Curriculum and then Course Details)