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课程简介会 日期:2021年1月16日 (星期六) 截止登记日期:2021年1月13日 (星期三)
The first and unique programme of its kind in local universities, the Master of Arts Programme in Religious Studies (hereafter the Programme) was established in 1998 by the Department of Religion (renamed Department of Cultural and Religious Studies in 2004). With the smooth ans successful running of the Programme, we have trained more than 580 graduates. Considering religion an integral part of human life, thought and culture, the Programme advocates a critical and comparative perspective to the study of multifarious religious phenomena and a sympathetic understanding of people’s religious experience.
The Programme adopts a proactive approach to enhancing students' academic performance. A Seminar on Writing Academic Papers is origanized in the first semester every year to help students grasp the essentials and methodologies of writing an up-to-standard academic paper in Religious Studies. The Programme also offers the Best Essay Award to encourage students to write high-quality academic papers and recognize their achievements. The introduction of the course "Research Paper in Religious Studies" in 2010 enables our students to acquire some essential skills and methodologies of doing critical reserach and writing a dissertation, which makes them better-equipped for an applicaiton for a research degree.
Emphasis on experiential learning is a distinctive feature of our Programme. Since religion is a living phenomenon in our society, fieldwork constitutes a core learning activity for students to integrate religious theory and application, and to gain a greater understanding of the daily religious practices of people, both locally and overseas. Over the past years, students participated in a large number of field trips organized either by individual courses or research centres to visit religious sites in Hong Kong, Macao, Mainland China, Malacca, Japan, Portugal and so forth.
The Programme being principally not career-oriented, most graduates in the Graduate Exit Survey strongly agree with the question: “The Programme has provided me an excellent foundation for my life-long learning”. Students recognize and affirm the Programme’s main objective of heightening their cultural and religious sensitivity, as well as critical and analytical skills, which lay a solid foundation for their lifelong learning. With the establishment of the Alumni Association of the Programme in 2013, a group of committed graduates has been passionate in promoting the culture, values and wisdom of different religious traditions to the general public through workshops, open lectures, and field trips, which is, the embodiment of lifelong learning.
It has been a fruitful learning experience in the past two years. It’s more than cultural and religious studies - I treasured this study journey very much for it means searching the meaning of life to me. Professors are not only knowledgeable but also devoted to guide us with their warm hearts. Most important of all, I’ve been inspired to reflect on my own values and justify my beliefs more sensibly and with confidence. I enjoyed every sharing with classmates with different perspectives and we learned to understand and respect each other’s thoughts with an open mind. Thank God for I have studied in MARS!
我作为工程及管理专业的从业员,对宗教的知识有著无比的兴趣。2017终於鼓起勇气,加入了中文大学的宗教研究硕士课程。在课程中接触到香港不同宗教的历史,理论及传承,特别是与中国文化渊源甚深的道教,在汉朝时开始传入的佛教,及后来在清朝时开始大举传播的天主教。课程亦包括外游考察,2018年的目的地是台湾,通过教授的精心安排,在参学过程中对台湾宗教文化的认识有了很大的提升。MARS 课程提供了适切的学习环境,加上教授们的悉心指导,同学们都体验了在他们有兴趣的宗教范围内的一次心灵对话与知慧的启发。
工作上习惯了每天也计算回报和效益,想自我有些新冲击、挑战和突破,期望生命有所改变,亦源於自己对道教知识的追求,所以於2017年报读 MARS 的课程。这个课程内容很精彩、丰富,充满惊喜,令我有一种相逢恨晚的感觉。老师们热诚及投入的教学,从不同角度切入,由理论、哲学、历史、心理和宗教等的切面,将宗教立体化的展示在我们眼前,让同学易於掌握,融会贯通,带领我认识不同宗教之余,也令我们思考更多,更加认识自己及可用全新的角度去认识自己的宗教信仰。非常感谢老师们的教导和同学们的分享互动,让我愉快地完成这两年的学习时光。