~~NOTOC~~ [[http://www2010.org/|{{ :confs:www2010.png?740 |}}]] ====== WWW2010 Panel ====== Collaborative Education **Time: XX-XX (XX mins)**\\ **Date: XXXX**\\ **Venue: XXXX**\\ Collaborative education. This panel will discuss XXXX. ===== Panel Members ===== ==== Moderator ==== **[[http://www.bebowhite.com|Bebo White]]**, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA, USA\\ **[[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king|Irwin King]]**, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong\\ ==== Panelists ==== * [[http://www.si.umich.edu/research/area.htm?AreaID=1|{{:confs:hardin_joseph.jpg?80 |}}]][[http://www.si.umich.edu/research/area.htm?AreaID=1|Joseph Harding]]\\ Clinical Assistant Professor\\ University of Illinois\\ USA\\ ~~CL~~\\ Joseph Hardin is clinical assistant professor in the School of Information and director of the Collaborative Technologies Laboratory in the Duderstadt Center.\\ ~~CL~~ \\ ==== Panel Format ==== * The panel is 90 minutes in length * The panel moderator will have 15 minutes to introduce the panel topic * Each panelist will be given up to 15 minutes to present their views/opinion/work on the panel topic * The remaining time will be open mic for the audience /* * Zoltan Gyongyi, Google Research, USA * Lada Adamic, University of Michigan, USA * Andrei Broder, Yahoo! Research, USA * Ashih Goel, Stanford University, USA * Andrew Tomkins, Yahoo! Research, USA * David Pennock, Yahoo, USA */