====== Contact Information ======
**Irwin King**\\
Rm. 908, Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building\\
Department of Computer Science & Engineering\\
The Chinese University of Hong Kong\\
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
**Phone**: +(852) 3943 8398\\
**Fax**: +(852) 2603 5024\\
**Email**: king [at] cse [dot] cuhk [dot] edu [dot] hk\\
**Website**: http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king
====== Department Contact Information ======
**Ms. Temmy So**\\
Rm. 1028, Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building\\
Department of Computer Science & Engineering\\
The Chinese University of Hong Kong\\
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
Office: +(852) 3943 8444\\
Fax: +(852) 2603 5024\\
temmy [at] cse [dot] cuhk [dot] edu [dot] hk
====== Emergency Contact Information ======
For emergency, please contact our Executive Officer of the department:
**Ms. A. D. Zee**\\
Rm. 1030, Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building\\
Department of Computer Science & Engineering\\
The Chinese University of Hong Kong\\
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
Office: +(852) 3943 8441\\
Fax: +(852) 2603 5024\\
adzee [at] cse [dot] cuhk [dot] edu [dot] hk
====== CUHK Campus Map ======
/* * [[http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cuhk/cumap/cumap.gif|CUHK Map]] */
/* {{url>http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/v6/en/campus_map/campus_map.html}} */
^ From Tai Po Road ^ From Ma On Shan ^
| 1. Turn into the main CUHK gate from Tai Po Road and take a parking ticket (request for a parking voucher later)\\ \\ 2. Follow the path to your right.\\ \\ 3. Make a right on the Chung Chi Road.\\ \\ 4. Turn into the parking lot almost immediately after you've turned into the Chung Chi Road (this is the HSH Engineering building)\\ \\ 5. Find a car park under the building. If non is available, you can park in Residence 1, which is a little further down from the HSH Engineering building | 1. Exit on the Science Park and go to the CUHK's security gate and take a parking ticket (request for a parking voucher)\\ \\ 2. Go over the overpass of the highway after the gate\\ \\ 3. Make a left at the T-junction\\ \\ 4. Make a right at the small round about with the sporting field on your right very shortly after the T-junction turn\\ \\ 5. Go up hill and make a left on to the Chung Chi road (the first left road)\\ \\ 6. Turn into the parking lot almost immediately after you've turned into the Chung Chi Road (this is the HSH Engineering building)\\ \\ 7. Find a car park under the building. If non is available, you can park in Residence 1, which is a little further down from the HSH Engineering building |
{{ toengineering.png?700 |}}
{{hsh.png?180 |Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building}}
* A satellite view of the CUHK campus is <[[http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=22.419796,114.207001&spn=0.018957,0.028946&t=k&hl=en|here]]>. The Google map is <[[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=+the+chinese+university+of+hong+kong,+hong+kong&sll=22.419122,114.206812&sspn=0.008718,0.014774&ie=UTF8&z=17&iwloc=addr|here]]>.
* Click on the image on the left to enlarge. We are at the Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building (H25) on the main CUHK campus.
* The map for the main CUHK campus is available <[[http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/content/cumap.shtml|here]]>.
* More maps of other campuses are available <[[http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/v6/en/campus_map/campus_map.html|here]]>.
====== From Hong Kong International Airport to CUHK ======
===== By Taxi =====
* [[http://www.hongkongairport.com/eng/aguide/taxis.html|Hong Kong International Airport Taxi Service]]
^ From ^ To ^ Approx. Time ^ Approx. Cost ^
| Green Taxi, Transportation Centre, Hong Kong International Airport | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | 45 mins. | HKD $300 |
===== By Bus & Taxi =====
* [[http://www.hongkongairport.com/eng/aguide/bus.html|Hong Kong International Airport Bus Service]]
^ From ^ To ^ Approx. Time ^ Approx. Cost ^
| Airbus A41 (every 15-20 mins), Transportation Centre, Hong Kong International Airport | Shatin New Town Plaza | 45 mins. | HKD $20 |
| Red Taxi, Shatin New Town Plaza (across from the A41 bus stop) | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | 10 mins. | HKD $60 |
====== From the MTR's University Station ======
===== Walking =====
It is a good 10 minutes walk from the MTR station. Follow the road on your left and then Chung Chi Road to the Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building.
===== By Shuttle & Meet-class Bus =====
This bus will take you to the center of the campus. You will then take a short walk (about 3 minutes) to the Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building. It is provide free of charge during the term and HKD $1.0 during the summer months.
See the Up Route and Down Route schedule <[[http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/transport_unit/|here]]>.
===== By Shuttle Light Bus =====
This will take you directly to the Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building. It will cost you HKD $4.5 and it runs regularly, except on Sundays.
See the Up Route and Down Route schedule <[[http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/transport_unit/|here]]>.
====== Nearby Hotels ======
* [[http://www.royalpark.com.hk/|The Royal Park Hote, Shatinl]], (10 mins by taxi, 20 mins by train)
* [[http://www.hongkong.shatin.hyatt.com/|Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Shatin]], (3 mins by walking)