Entering into the 21st century, people clearly understand that issues concerning the conflicts, dialogues, interaction and co-existence among cultures and systems of belief are important to the well being of human society. Facing the tendency of Globalization, local consciousness and global perspective are vital for the talent and leadership required by our society.
Hong Kong is a culturally and religiously pluralistic society, providing an excellent environment for the study of culture and religion. The Chinese University of Hong Kong has recognized the communication between Chinese and Western culture as part of its mission since its establishment.
In 2004, the University decided to integrate the existing Inter-cultural Section with the Department of Religion to form a new Department of Cultural and Religious Studies. This is not only to strengthen its research in areas of Cultural and Religious Studies, but also to train students who can meet society's changing demands.
Since both Cultural Studies and Religious Studies emphasize critical, pluralistic and cross-boundary thinking, this department aspires to cultivate students' abilities in independent critical thinking, communication and dialogue, inter-disciplinary thinking, analyzing the social and cultural values, cross-cultural perspective and self-reflection.
The Department consists of three components: Cultural Studies; Religious Studies; and Theology.