ICONIP2008 Panel

NN: Conducting and publishing research in different parts of the world

ICONIP2008 Panel
13:30 pm - 14:40 pm (70 mins)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Room NZ1-2, SkyCity Convention Centre

This panel aims to discuss how to conduct, publish, and promote research work in various parts of the world. The discussion topics may include: Why should we publish regionally? What are some of the unique advantages and disadvantages in publishing in a local region vs. other parts of the world? What are the best ways for me to publish my work? How do I promote to my peers locally and globally?

Each panelist will give a 10-minutes introduction on the panel topic in his discipline. After the presentations from all panelists, there will be an open mic session with the audience.

Panel Members


Panelists (to be confirmed)