Program Coordinator, BA in Religious Studies
B.Ed. (Stirling), M.Div., Ph.D. (CUHK)
Email: wychow@cuhk.edu.hk | Tel: 3943-1425 | Office: KKB 306
周惠贤博士的研究领域集中在宗教与心理学,探讨议题包括宗教与生死(宗教对个人生死观的形成、生死价值观对个人及社会行为的影响)、 宗教与有利社会行为之间的关联(宗教性/灵性与有利社会行为的发展、宗教性/灵性与身心康健),以及东西宗教生死观的比较。有关研究成果包括 Religious Narrative and Character Formation in Kindergarten. HK: St James Settlement, 2016; "Religiosity/Spirituality and Prosocial Behaviours Among Chinese Christian Adolescents: The Meditating Role of Values and Gratitude," Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, (co-author, 2014); “To Take up Your Own Responsibility: The Religiosity of Buddhist Adolescents in Hong Kong,” International Journal of Children’s Spirituality (co-author, 2010); 〈生命教育与现代人的人格塑造〉《山道期刊》(合著,2004); “Religious Narrative and Ritual in a Metropolis: A Study of the Daoist Ghost Festival in Hong Kong,” Creeds, Rites and Videotapes: Narrating Religious Experience in East Asia (2004).
CHOW Wai Yin is Lecturer at the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies. She has participated in inter-disciplinary research in religious and psychological issues in life, relations between religiosity/spirituality and prosocial behaviors, and the connection of religious beliefs to life and death. Recent publications include Religious Narrative and Character Formation in Kindergarten. HK: St James Settlement, 2016; "Religiosity/Spirituality and Prosocial Behaviours Among Chinese Christian Adolescents: The Meditating Role of Values and Gratitude," Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, (co-author, 2014); “To Take up Your Own Responsibility: The Religiosity of Buddhist Adolescents in Hong Kong,” International Journal of Children’s Spirituality (co-author, 2010); 〈生命教育与现代人的人格塑造〉《山道期刊》(合著 ,2004; “Religious Narrative and Ritual in a Metropolis: A Study of the Daoist Ghost Festival in Hong Kong,” Creeds, Rites and Videotapes: Narrating Religious Experience in East Asia (2004).
She currently is a professional consultant for an academic project “Religious Narrative and the Development of Characters in Kindergarten” at St James’ Settlement, Committee Member for “Personal, Social & Humanities Education Section - Ethics and Religious Studies (S1-S3)” at Curriculum Development Council (课程发展署) of Education Bureau of Hong Kong, and Committee Member for “Ethics and Religious Studies” at Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (香港考试及评核局).
She obtained “The Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award” (2012, 2016), and 5 competitive teaching funds (2015, 2 016, 2018) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has been actively involved various research projects on Positive Youth Development funded by 5 Quality Education Funds (2012, 2016, 2018) and 2 Social Entrepreneurship Funds (2015, 2017) for the past few years.