B.A., M.Div. (CUHK);
Th.D. (Heidelberg)
Email: kunchunwong@cuhk.edu.hk | Tel: | Office:
Eric Wong received his Doctor of Theology (Heidelberg) specializing in New Testament Studies. He is the first selected Chinese member of the Society for New Testament Studies (SNTS). His research interests include Biblical Studies, Extra Canonical Documents and the New Testament Greek. His teaching focuses on New Testament Studies and related courses.
Among his many publications are The De-radicalization of Jesus’ Ethical Sayings in Roman (2001); The De-radicalization of Jesus’ Ethical Sayings in Corinthians (2002); Towards “A Greek-Chinese Lexicon of the Greek New Testament” – A Cross-cultural Endeavour? (2004); The Entrance and Inheritance of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Religion (2006); Reflection on the Concept of Wealth in the New Testament (2007); “The Emergence of Early Christianity from its Religious and Cultural Background: The Implication of Matthew’s Interpretation of Jewish Law,” Jian Dao 27 (2007); “Echo of Creation in the Gospel of John,” Biblical Literature Studies 2 (2008); “The Significance of Jesus Christ’s Pre-ministry Experience to Modern People,” Beida Journal of Philosophy 9 (2009); “The Greek-Chinese Lexicon of the Greek New Testament”. Filología Neotestamentaria (Spain) 22 (2009); “The Historical Jesus: Contemporary Interpreters and New Perspectives,” The Journal Henoch -- Studies in Judaism and Christianity from Second Temple to Late Antiquity (Italy) 32 no. 2 (2010); Evangelien im Dialog mit Paulus – Eine intertextuelle Studie zu den Synoptikern [tentative English title = Gospels in Dialogue with Paul – An Intertextual Study on the Synoptics] (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012).
His current research includes the historical Jesus in relation with Paul and the Synoptic Gospel writers. He is now working on the New Testament – Chinese Lexicon, which will soon be published.
>> Click here to Prof. Wong's profile on Divinity School of Chung Chi College website.