* LIU, Pengpeng(刘鹏鹏) * Mailing address: ppliu@cse.cuhk.edu.hk ===== Biography ===== * Biography * Curriculum Vitae * Research Interests * Teaching and Industrial Experiences * Education * Personal Hobby ===== Research Projects ===== * Project Descriptions * Project Demo ===== Publications ===== ==== Journal Publications ==== ==== Book Chapters ==== ==== Conference Publications ==== ==== Technical Reports ==== ==== Professional Activities ==== * Keynote Speech and Plenary Talk in Conferences * Interviews * Tutorial in International Conferences * Panel Discussion in International Conferences * Invited Talk and Invited Demonstration in International Conferences * Editor-in-Chief of International Journal * Journal Editorial Service * Book Editorial Service * Board of Directors, Member of Steering Committee and Society Members * International Reviewer and Examiner * Conference, Program Committee and Session Chair * Chair and Program Committee Chair of International Conferences * Program Committee Member of International Conferences * Session Chair in International Conferences * Invited Talks in International Organizations * Invited Talks in Domestic Organizations ==== Awards & Grants ==== * International Research Awards * Domestic Research Awards * Best Paper Awards * International Research Grants * Domestic Research Grants * Patents * Column Articles ===== Miscellaneous =====