
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

people:home [2018/10/20 03:30]
people:home [2020/11/21 11:32] (current)
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===== Ph.D. Candidates ===== ===== Ph.D. Candidates =====
-  * {{::people:yfgao.jpg?70  |}} [[http://Evan-Gao.github.io|Yifan Gao]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2017. +  * {{::people:yfgao_shb.jpeg?70  |}} [[http://Yifan-Gao.github.io|Yifan Gao]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2017.
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-  * {{:people:li_jingjing.jpg?70  |}} [[People:Jingjing_Li]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2017. +  * {{:no_photo.jpg?70  |}} [[People:Jingjing_Li]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2017.
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\\ \\
  * {{:people:bai_haoli2.jpg?70  |}} [[People:Haoli Bai]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2017.   * {{:people:bai_haoli2.jpg?70  |}} [[People:Haoli Bai]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2017.
-  * {{::people:hanshao.jpg?70  |}} [[People:Han_Shao]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2016.  
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-  * {{:people:Ken.jpg?70  |}} [[People:Hou-Pong_CHAN]] (Ken), Ph.D. Candidate, 2015.  +  * {{:people:jczeng.jpg?70  |}} [[https://zengjichuan.github.io|Jichuan_Zeng]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2015.
-~~CL~~ +
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-  * {{:no_photo.jpg?70  |}} [[People:Jichuan_Zeng]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2015. +
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====== Former Students, Associates, and Staff ====== ====== Former Students, Associates, and Staff ======
 +  * {{:people:Ken.jpg?70  |}} [[https://kenchan0226.github.io|Hou-Pong_Chan]] (Ken), Ph.D. 2020.
 +  * {{::people:hanshao.jpg?70  |}} [[People:Han_Shao]], M.Phil., 2016- 2019.
  * {{:people:priyanka.jpg?70  |}}[[People:Priyanka GARG]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2010.\\ Social Networks, Graph Algorithms   * {{:people:priyanka.jpg?70  |}}[[People:Priyanka GARG]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2010.\\ Social Networks, Graph Algorithms
people/home.1539977458.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/20 03:30 by hshao     Back to top